[EP 26] Finding Dunk

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Dunk was quick to settle matters with Mile and Apo. It was just formality after all. They had finally gotten rid of Fenrir. Apo said that it was high time that Dunk reward himself and take a break. It reminded him of what Phuwin said the morning he left. Between Souri café and the guild, there really wasn't any rest time. 

He sighed as he took in the night view. The snow in Japan was relentless this time of year. It somehow fitted his mood as he wondered aimlessly on the streets of Sapporo.


Meanwhile with Joong...

It was a torturous 5 hours plus plane ride as Joong kept thinking about getting to Dunk as soon as possible. Pond had Boun and Prem accompany him since this was their turf. He all but ordered them to rush to Mile and Apo's mansion on the outskirt of Tokyo. Unfortunately, Joong had missed him again. Dunk was on a break and he was most likely touring in Hokkaido. Joong had taken another 2 hour flight to Hokkaido, landing in the city of Sapporo. He wondered through the streets without much luck.

It was the next day that he heard the familiar tune of his LINE app. Pond had sent him pictures that Phuwin forwarded to him. 

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He zoomed in on the most recent one and asked Boun where it could be as he hurried over

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He zoomed in on the most recent one and asked Boun where it could be as he hurried over. He saw Dunk's familiar form from afar.

 Dunk wasn't walking fast. He was only strolling at best but Joong didn't know why he was always one step behind. He saw image after image of Dunk but he couldn't get close.  The Gods must be testing him. He won't give up, he just won't give up! Joong vowed to look for Dunk again tomorrow. 


Dunk didn't think he does vacation well. He finally got to indulge in his hobby of doing photography but yet something was missing. He took a half an hour ride to Otaru. 

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