Why him but not me?

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The race was over. Dean lost. He couldn't believe it but he lost to Charlie.It wasn't fair,he was there before.He trained so hard to reach where he was. After the race he rushed inside the garage,took his things and left for his house. He messaged North and Sonic about his early leave from the garage and they both replied with an 'Okay'. Probably busy fighting eachother. Once he reached home he plopped onto the bed and began sobbing. He had dreamed of this moment since the moment X-Hunter was formed and now that little piece of shit comes and takes it away from him. It was around 6 in the evening now and the members had arranged a small welcome party for the nerd.Not that Dean had disliked him from the start,no that wasn't the case at all. Infact Dean was the first one who went and approached Charlie when Babe left him to go check his car. Dean liked the kid,he was nice but now all he felt was hatred towards him.The party was at 9 and since Dean didn't want to seem rude so he decided to go. He wore a black tshirt and jeans.He put his hair in a half pony, half open hairstyle (Damn I'm drooling myself). He decided to watch some soft movie which he hoped would make him feel better. After 2 and a half hours,it was now 8:40 so he decided to do a final touch up and left. When he reached the destination he saw Charlie and P'babe hugging eachother and the the members present congratulating him. He felt jealous. It should have been him instead of Charlie.... But what could he do other than congratulate and watch from afar. Suddenly he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder,he turned and saw his team's biggest rival.Winner. Dean always wondered who on earth decided to make him out of all people 'Winner' because he was nothing but a sore loser. "Hurts doesn't it? Watching your team congratulate a person who was supposed to be you?" Winner said "Fuck off Winner,I don't need you trying to gaslight me" "Oh but I'm not. I'm just saying facts, aren't I? whispered Winner in his ears,his drunk and deep voice making Dean shiver all of a sudden. "I'm going. I don't wanna waste my time with you of all people " and as Dean said that he started walking away but his arm was pulled back and he was pinned to the wall by Winner. "Why? What's wrong with me?" "Winner leave me this instant" "What if I don't?" "I'll scream" " Do it and I'll kiss you to make you shut up". Dean was speechless but there was this part in him telling him to actually scream so he Winner could kiss him. "What happened?Cat got your tongue?" " Shut up Winner or I'll actually scream" "My statement remains the same,now answer my question and I'll let you go" "Okay so well number 1 you're my teams rival" "But not yours" "If my team doesn't like you that means that I don't like you as well" "Ouch well that hurt" "Stop this nonsense and now let me go" "I stick to my word baby so I'll let you go but don't think that is the last time we ever meet" said Winner before leaving Dean alone and walking away. Dean was flustered by what Winner called him but quickly shook off those thoughts and made his way to the table his team members were sat at. "Ai Dean,we were waiting for you" said North "I'm so sorry I was late,I had some hooligans keep me busy on the way here" replied Dean and as he said that he heard the same "hooligan's" voice. "Oh wow! What a great moment to come here" said Winner "What do you want Winner?" asked Babe "Nothing actually,just looking for people to celebrate with" "Are you so fucking lonely that you had to come here and ruin everyone's mood here?" said Dean. The members were shocked at Dean's outburst since he was one of the kindest and soft-spoken of the team. Winner gave him a look which Dean somehow understood.It meant 'If you scream again I'll kiss you infront of everyone' so Dean shut up. "No actually I came here looking for someone who I just met a few minutes ago but I see I'm not wanted here,so I'll leave" said Winner while giving a wink to Dean."Whatever let's enjoy the party guys" said North.
*Time skip*( because I'm really lazy)
Everyone was really drunk leaving Dean so all of them went home with their respective partners and Dean said he'll go home later after drinking a bit more.

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