𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 - 𝗹.𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘇𝗲 ❁

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⍟  𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗌𝗁𝖾𝗌 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍

⍟  𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗌𝗁𝖾𝗌 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍

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my phone was on call to lucy as i stood on a chair in the middle of my hotel room.

"jesus y/n, what is it?"

"there's a spider in my room and i need you to get it out."

i could hear her laughing at me on the other line but i didn't care.

"luce i'm serious. please come save me from the spider."

"okay okay, i'll be there soon princess."

she threw the nickname at me before clicking off the call. it wasn't that long before i heard a knock at my door. i had a feeling i knew who it was.

"come in!"

"y/n, you need to open the door for me."

"can't, the spider might get me. just use your spare keycard. i gave it to you when we got here."

i could hear her mutter through the doorway but i wasn't about to start arguing with the person who was potentially getting rid of the eight-legged critter.

when lucy walked in she surveyed the room, including me standing atop a chair and laughed.

"where's the spider?"

"over there."

i pointed and she walked over, crouched down and laughed again.

"y/n, this thing isn't even that big."

i simply poked my tongue out at her.

"just get it out please luce."

she picked up the thing on a piece of paper and threw it out the window. then she walked over to me, picked me up off the chair and placed me on the ground.


i hugged the taller woman and she looked down at me with a grin.

"anytime, princess."

that was now a day ago and since then lucy had talked to kiera and lauren. she'd had a thing for y/n for months and they knew.

"i don't think she likes me, kie. she doesn't pick up any hints, no matter how big."

"luce i'm sure she does like you, she's just a bit oblivious."

"why don't you just tell her? i don't think she'd reject you, have you seen yourself?"

hempo interjected and lucy looked at her like she'd seen a ghost.

"hempo, i can't. i don't even know if she likes girls."

"luce, just see how she is tomorrow at breakfast and go from there."

kiera calmed the girl down.
it was now breakfast. once everyone had filed down for breakfast and eaten, we were given strict orders to get dressed in warm-weather appropriate gear.

sarina told us there'd been a change of plans. we ended up going to the gardens nearby and going for a walk there. i was walking alongside hempo and kiera, just chatting and occasionally laughing at how much lego lauren had bought in the short time span we'd been in australia.

"so y/n, how's your social life going, met any guys? any girls?"

kiera slipped a question in, casually asking me about my love life.

"no kie, i haven't met anyone. i don't like boys anyways, i thought that was a known fact."

kiera seemed somewhat excited about that bit, but i didn't catch her send a pointed look towards lauren who peeled off and went to walk with lucy.

"i didn't know that actually. do you like anyone then?"

it was an unusual slew of questions coming from kiera but i brushed it off thinking she just wanted to get to know me.

"i mean, not really? i'm kinda just focused on football."

"ok, but say if you had to date anyone on the team, who would you choose?"

lauren had come back to join us by now and caught what kiera had asked.

"well lucy's pretty fit, i'd date her in a heartbeat if she liked me. but other than that the rest of you are just my friends."

kiera hummed, then lauren piped up.

"did you see that freehand lego she made? that was incredible."

kiera took that as her signal to walk with lucy and me and lauren continued talking about lucy's lego.

until i felt a hand touch the back of my head and i whipped around. it was just lucy though and i relaxed.

"sorry you had a leaf in your hair, princess."

"thanks luce."

we walked together for a bit, lauren had doubled back to walk with kiera, i was betting that the pair was watching us like a hawk.

"so kiera told me about your little conversation. you'd date me, huh?"

lucy had a smirk on her face, while i blushed immediately.

"of course she told you. i mean, you are fit."

now it was lucy's turn to blush a little. she was quiet for a second but spoke softly when she did reply.

"y'know i like you, y/n."

"i like you too luce."

i grinned up at her, but was a bit confused by her expression.

"no, like more than a friend, y/n. i like you and want to date you."

now i understood why kiera asked me all those questions. and why lucy was always touchy with me and called me 'princess'.

"i've liked you for a while. months."

and i was shocked again. i couldn't believe it hat i was hearing and how i didn't notice. i felt so guilty.

"lucy i'm so sorry i didn't realise. i like you too and i would love to date you. but now i feel bad because i've been so oblivious."

"so can i take you on a date?"

lucy had gotten slightly shy now, a blush sitting on her cheeks.

"yes, you can take me on a date. pick me up on wednesday at 6. i know a place."


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