The truth

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After the presentation end everyone started to clap and i directly went towards my desk.

Taehyung- jungkook how can you shout at her infront of so many people ?

Jungkook- i don't know taehyung i was just frustrated when she said she couldn't find the file

Taehyung- she is very hard working jungkook. And I'm 100% sure something is wrong

Jungkook- what do you mean by that

Taehyung- do you think she can mess with an important file

Jungkook is silent

Taehyung- you should checked the CCTV footage

Jungkook- your right hyung

Jungkook and taehyung start watching the footage and found out that mia is the one who stolen the files

Jungkook directly went out from his cabin and order every employee to come in the meeting room. Yn is silently standing there and mia is getting mad because her plan didn't work out

Jungkook- I'm sorry miss yn

Yn looked at him being confused and everyone is looking confused because jungkook is apologize to a employee for the first time in his life.

Jungkook- I'm sorry that i shout at you infront of everyone so I'm asking sorry infront of everyone.

Yn just nodded her head

Jungkook looked at mia being all mad

Jungkook- and you mia how dare you to that

Mia is trembling in fear

Jungkook- you stole the files from yn desk so She can feel humiliating but your plan didn't work out. Because she did the presentation very well without the file, she is talented that's why i give her the opportunity but you feel jealous of her success

Mia - n_o s_ir it's n_ot lik_e th_at

Jungkook- shut up

Jungkook shout at her face

Jungkook- you're fire

Mia is begging jungkook no to fire her but he didn't listen to her and also warm everyone that if someone so something like that to anyone then he will fire them as well.

Everyone started to gossiping.

And soon after that everyone left for there work.

Yn was also about to leave but taehyung stop her.

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