Chaper 15

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“Here we are” The cab driver said. “Thank you” we said getting out. After paying the man we looked at the house. “This is it. Time to meet my mom…what about my dad” James wrapped his arm around my shoulders “He is here too. At least last time he was” I nodded and looked up at him “Anything I should know?” James bit his lip and thought for a moment...... “Yes but you’ll find out soon enough” That does not sound good. 

I knocked on the door then reached for James’s hand “Don’t leave my side” I said staring at the door “I won’t don’t worry” he whispered kissing my temple. I heard the knob turn and the door opened. A teenage boy stood in the door way. He was aleast a year younger than me. I sqeezed James hand “Hey James!” the boy said. “Your parents home?” Parents. So hes my…my heart sank. They had another kid knowing I was living with my grandparents. “Jake who was at the door?” a female voice chimmed. ‘Jake’ turned his back to us and I whispered in James ear “I change my mind. Can we go?” he shook his head “We have to wait for a cab, I’ll call them” He took out his phone and called the cab place.

“Its James and some girl” Jake said. I heard something fall and James moved me behind him. “Girl? James who is the girl?” The woman asked. She had brown hair down to her shoulder and maybe 38. “Just a friend…oh hi yes I need a cab” I sat on the steps and waited as the women,who could be my mom, and Jake stare at me. “Whats your name” Jake asked. “Like you care” I snapped. “Is-Is it Riley?” she asked. “Mrs. Evans I just stopped by to say hi and check on you guys” James said. “Oh we are fine. Would you and your friend like to come in?” she offered. I stood up “Oh look cabs here” I said rushing to the cab. James said goodbye and ran to me.

“She replaced me.” I cried. “Shh no she didn’t. she wouldn’t do that”

“How do you know? She left me with my grandparents! Then, what a year later, had ANOTHER kid!” Tuck a piece of hair behind my ear he said, “You know why she left you with her parents. To protect you and, yes, a year later had another kid. But just think if she didn’t have me protecting you we would have never met. Never know each other. Never met, falling in love” I smiled “Best part of it all” he did his half smile and cupped my face “Letting you go was the best thing she did….for me at least” I closed my eyes “I love you”

“I love you Riley” he whispered then closed the gap between us. As cheesy as it sounds, sparks flew, like Fireworks. “Nothing will change that” He said once he pulled away.

“What if she doesn’t want me?” I asked opening my eyes “Did you see her face when she asked if you where Riley? Her eyes were full of hope” I fell back on the bed “Well maybe we can try again” he said turning to me “Maybe…James?”


“What is it like?”

“What is what like?”

“Watching me grow up. Watch the world grow while you don’t”

“Every get a puppy or a kitten?” I nodded “You watch it grow and one day it dies. That’s what its like.”

I stared at the wall “Will you change me if you wanted too?”

“That’s your choice not mine.” Draping his arm over my stomach he said “I want to know one thing”


“do you love me?”

“I told you before I do”

“I know but how much” He smirked “James what did you do?” I asked. “Depends on how much you love me” reaching into his pocket he pulled out a jewelry box. “It was my mothers. I was told to give it to the girl I love” The necklace was a sliver heart with a green diamond inside. “So my question is do you love me as much as I love you?” I nodded and smiled as he set the box on me. “Then this is yours. Now get to sleep we got school tomorrow” I groaned and rolled off the bed “Night James”

“Good night Riley”

“Welcome Back Mr. Maslow” Mr. Reeds said when we walked in. “Yea I had a family thing in Texas” James said walking to his seat.

I smiled as I sat behind James. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek “Yea welcome back to the torture” I giggled in his ear. “Mhm” He crossed his arms and leaned his head back. “Ill be back in a minute” Mr. Reed said. Since it was us two and one other kid James turned to me and kissed me softly. “now I get a distraction” I said pulling back. “Yes you do. I Love you” He said turning back around “Who doesn’t?” I knew he rolled his eyes at me “Just meet me at home. I have to stay after”

I plopped down on the couch and smiled. I love the guys to death but I havent been along in what seems like forever. James is after school, Logans at the store, Carlos is mad(again!),and Kendall… I don’t know about him. I started drifting to sleep when someone picked me up. Thinking it was Logan or James so I didn’t fight them or anything and shut my eyes. That was till they spoke his name.

Since I don't know if I will post in the next two days I figured I would make this a longish chapter. Im going to start asking questions so I can know my readers better.

Q:Favorite singer/band (Other than BTR)

Mines Ariana Grande and R5

Loving my protecter:James Maslow Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz