Hear her Roar

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"Sorry it isn't much," Jamie remarked, as the waitress came with an appetizer plate of cheese sticks. He was a bit of a geek in appearance, with tousled hair that could stand a comb or two, and glasses that accented his face's natural leanness. "You know how little any job a college student can hold pays."
Jane chuckled in response. "You have no idea! Sometimes I wonder how I can afford the roof over my head, my WoW subscription, and the grocery bills."

"You eat a lot?" Jamie responded, looking a bit curious. Jane was a little frumpy, but she was hardly fat in any definition of the word.

"No," she responded rather curtly, "A lot of money just ends getting thrown down the garbage shoot." Her voice returned to a bit of a deadpan monotone as she thought about her roomie, Lalia. She caught herself, and put a smile back on her face. "Sorry, you know how THAT is."

Jamie gave a nervous laugh. "I'll take your word for it!" He gave a bit of a sigh, though. She didn't consider herself a nerd. Sure she talked about geeky things and people would sooner walk away from her prattling rants than listen, but to him, Jane was the key to heaven. He knew a good looking whale of a woman was just waiting to swing in and take him for a wild night of passion and lust. At least, that's what TV shows like Maury had taught him. Big bodacious women dug skinny, intelligent guys. But Jane knew he was just a chubby-chaser deep down and she was smart enough to just know how to exploit that.

"So, Jamie, you mentioned in class you were a bit of a gamer. What's your vice? I'd love to compare notes on-" Jane's question was cut off.

"Ohmigosh, Jane, I THOUGHT that was your voice!" Lalia's voice. Jane got a bit of goosebumps down her neck. Sure enough, her redheaded roomie was looming over the booth, peeking in from the other side. "What are you doing here? Who is your friend? Or is he family I don't remember from Thanksgiving? Hahaha, sorry! If you are, I can be forgetful sometimes!" Lalia bounced when she laughed, but, Jane rationalized, Lalia bounced when she did ANYTHING.

"No, this is Jamie. He's a classmate from campus. We decided to have a dinner out. I thought you'd be home, so I didn't want to bother you."

"It's fine Jane. I was going to have a date here, but wouldn't you know it? His car got impounded due to unpaid parking tickets, so he has to spend all day arguing that with the town court." Lalia sipped from her tall glass of beer. "Really upsetting, you know? I finally gained enough to free my belly, and now nobody is around to appreciate her!" She leaned in a bit, and Jamie got to visually go swimming in the long valley of Lalia's hanging cleavage.

"Well, I appreciate it!" He said with a quickly, with a bit of a blush. Jane let herself smile for what was about to unfold.

"Aw, thanks, you're so sweet!" Lalia said with a bit of a grin, reaching over to pinch his cheek. He blushed deeper at the touch. "Do you want to join us? Jane and I were just talking."

As Lalia nodded her head and swung around to the other side, settling in next to Jane. With the curvaceous Lalia now next to Jane's downplayed body, it was obvious to Jamie he was setting his bar too low. By the end of this night, he'd have to trade up.

"Ohmigosh, cheesesticks! May I?" Lalia asked, and took one without even waiting for an answer. "I know I shouldn't, but this is my reward for this diet working out so well!" A second vanished shortly after, and nobody paid it much mind. Lalia filched more from the bowl, as the three talked. Talked might be too generous of a term, however: Lalia railroaded the conversation, Jamie stared at her chest as best he could without being caught, and Jane sunk deeper into the corner. The conversation was one with a subject Lalia handled well: Lalia. How her day was, her diet's progress, even recent achievements she had done. Jane heard it all before, but Jamie hung on every word. He was sure he'd be quizzed later.

"A cruise, really?"

"Oh yes, If I get enough tickets from cereal boxes I get to go on a cruise! It gonna be soooo much fun, really. Oh! Onion rings, Jane, order some! I LOVE this place's onion rings!"


"Sure! Waitress, the large-"

"Extra large," Lalia interjected quickly.

"Um, extra large bowl of onion rings." Jane smiled to herself. Get into her good graces through food. Do exactly what she wants. Perfect. Before long, the bowl was present, and Lalia more than helped herself.

"I really shouldn't, really! But it's just a couple, it's a celebration. I don't want to get fat, again, though!" Lalia laughed a little, and put a few more onion rings passed her ruby lips.

"Oh, I don't think a woman with your figure has any worry of that!" Jamie said, brownnosing at its finest.

"You'd be surprised," Jane said, head in her hand. She didn't touch the platter, and she didn't need to. Lalia ate for three, and before long, that bowl was just full of a scant few crumbs. Lalia patted her belly a little, and it gurgled in response.

"That was a good appetizer. It put me in the mood for a hamburger or two. I mean, I love this place's onion rings, but their burgers are kind of... thppppt," She held her nose as she made the noise. "We should go to Benny's Burgers, a couple of blocks over. THEY know how to grill 'em! What do you say, let's go!"

Jamie was tripping over himself. How could he not agree to that? It wasn't an unreasonable demand, and Lalia seemed like a girl with taste.

Lalia was actually tugging on Jane's arm a little, looking a bit upset. "Oh, is it one of THOSE?" she asked, realizing how she might have over-stepped the line. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, Jane! I'll leave if you want!"

Jamie seized up. His redheaded goddess appearing out of nowhere, and now just as quickly vanishing from between his fingers? He got in between the two. "No, no, it's okay! Come on, Jane, don't be a wet blanket, it's nothing serious! Just friends having a little snack."

"No it's fine we can go." Jane said

"I really can go, Lalia. You two have fun. I'll still be waiting when you get home, but make sure you come home TONIGHT, okay?" She walked with them as normally as she could, piecing together how shallow Jamie truly could be. She would be first off this sinking ship. Jamie could stay as captain if he thinks he can brave the storm of Hurricane Lalia. It would be no skin of her nose, and a lesson well learned.

Lalia looked a bit sad, through tipsy eyes, to see her roomie leave so soon. "Don't worry about it, come on. This sounds fun."

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