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I sulkily made my way to the world's best mum's house to stay with her. However, when I entered, all I saw was an empty room and 2 dead bodies. 

"NO!!!" My insides screamed. I couldn't lose my mother and stepfather. No! I tried to stop the tears coming from my eyes but I couldn't. Then anger boiled inside of me and I thought to myself that I will avenge my parents and kill the person who murdered them. After that, I felt a little bit better. 

                                                         *TIME SKIP*

I walked into the Empire State Building and walked upto the doorman.

I quietly said, " Give me the key to the 600th floor.

He replied, " There is not 600th floor, kid."

I yelled at him, " Give me the key to the 600th floor right now or I will kill you!"

He hurriedly gave me the keys and said sorry.

When I walked into the throne room, I bowed down to my father Poseidon and then to my uncle, Zeus.

"Uncle, I have one favour to ask from you" I asked him.

"Ask away, Perseus. You have gained my respect" Zeus replied.

"I want to..."

Guardian of the Hunt(A Pertemis Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now