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This doll is something I saw at a store nearby where I live-I thought you'd like it. I don't know what it's from or who it is. But it looked like a cute doll so I figured you'd like it. Happy fifteenth birthday Sina.

Sina never usually got things for her birthday, so when her aunt had given her the doll she had given her it made her curious on why the doll was given to her in the first place. Sina looked at the tag that was on the leg of the doll only to see a name of where it came from 'Vampire Knight'. She didn't know what that was, so she looked it up on her school laptop only to see that it was an animated show about vampires in an academy. The character she had been given was a male by the name of 'Shiki Senri' who was a secondary character within the show.

She didn't know how to take the information she had found out but kept to herself as she spent the rest of her birthday in her room watching the show that the plush had came from. As it became late she ended up falling asleep with the plush in her arms. While she slept she had a hazy dream where she stood in front of the male who was looking around until he saw her.

"Hanabe Sina?" He asked

She nodded her head. "H-How do you know my name?"

"Where I am from you're fictional."

"I can say the same about you Shiki Senri."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Really now, that's rather odd don't you think?"

She nodded her head in agreement "So...how come we can talk with one another if to our times we are fictional to the other?"

"I found a doll that looked like you abandoned on the streets one day while I worked with Rima, I've had it washed and kept it beside me all this time...maybe that's why?"

"I have a doll that looks like you beside me that I got from my aunt for my birthday that I just recently got...do you think maybe the dolls have something to do with how we're able to communicate with one another?"

"It's a good possibility. Since we can talk with one another, I'd like to ask you a question about yourself that I've been pondering about."

She tilted her head to the side. "Sure, what's up?"

"Do you know someone by the name of Reya Mccreed?"

"Mhm, she's my best friend. She has been adopted into my family but has been getting all of my families attention since hers was killed years ago."

"I see...so how she has you is because of her own spiteful emotions. I want to be honest with you, your friend isn't all she seems to be. She wants to get rid of you, she killed her parents and siblings just so she can have what you have. She knew if she acted like she was a victim you'd take care of her. She wants everything you have and she'll kill you just the way she killed her parents and siblings." Senri said seriously

Her eyes widened hearing what Senri said "H-How can I be so sure that you're telling me the truth?"

"How much about me do you know?"

"A bit...I know you aren't one to talk much, you'd rather sleep and be around Rima...that's about it." She said in thought

"Trust me on this, I wouldn't lie to you I have no reason to. That woman is out for you and she will do whatever it takes to kill you. Especially since you two have the same birthday. Talk to her come tomorrow and you'll see what I mean."

Before Sina could talk to him once more she woke up and she looked down at the plush in her arms. "What the heck...what the heck did I just witness?" She muttered before she shook her head and grabbed her phone

She then went to find Reya, Reya was a dark brown haired female with blue eyes. She was in her own room which was smaller than Sina's playing with the game she had just gotten the day previously. Sina began to record Reya as she knocked on the door, Reya looked at her and smiled. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey Reya...can we talk for a moment?"

"sure thing come on in."

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt