The Evillustrator

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Sorry for the long-awaited chapter, everyone! If you're wondering why the episodes are in different order, I decided to put the episodes in chronological order that's in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom website.

Why? Well, when I saw the episodes was in chronological order on, I decided to do that so it looks like it fits in the timeline of the series. Also, I saw that the TV specials takes place between the episodes that fits the timeline of the show, so that's what I'm doing. I hope that's ok and enjoy the chapter!


Brianna was in science class with her classmates, writing down the notes as her science teacher, Ms. Mendeleiev, wrote down formulas on the chalkboard, making slightly irritating creaking noises. Brie wasn't a big fan of the teacher, finding her too strict, sharp-tonged and grouchy, even sometimes punishing students who she though was misbehaving.

Because of this, she prefers being in Ms. Bustier's class than in this one. Since her class was in Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom for the day, the workbenches in the room only fit two people each, which mean Brianna couldn't sit next to Marinette and Alya like she usually did. Instead, she had to sit next to Ivan at his workbench, which was behind Marinette and Alya's seats.

Ms. Mendeleiev was the one who suggested it herself, saying that Ivan would need someone who can help him focus on class since he usually sat by himself. Of course, Brianna didn't mind since she was friends with Ivan, along with the rest of her classmates, minus Chloe and Sabrina of course, Brianna noticed Ivan was close to nodding off.

Brianna knew Ivan was not enjoying science class with Ms. Mendeleiev any more than the rest of their classmates, which is understandable. That being said she didn't Ivan to get in trouble, so she gently poke his forearm to keep him awake, stopping when the tall teenager looked to her, looking confused before Brianna subtly pointed over to the teacher, who had just turned to look at their direction as they refocused on the lesson.

Ms. Mendeleiev soon gained a stern look on her face as she walked to the back of the classroom. "Nathaniel! What are you drawing?" She yelled, slamming her hand on a workbench. The sudden noise caused everyone in class to turn their heads to the back in confusion and curiosity. They saw the strict science teacher in the back, confronting the student in question, who stared at her in panic.

Nathaniel is fairly short, with turquoise eyes, and face length messy ginger hair. He has long bangs that are brushed to the left side of his face, covering most of his left eye. HIs outfit is a red orange t-shirt with a black logo design on the front, similar to that of the band Magma. Over his shirt, he wears a dark gray dress jacket with a folded collar, folded sleeves, and side pockets. He wears purple jeans that are rolled up at the bottom revealing a light purple bottom, and his shoes are gray with white lace and a white section where his toes would be.

"Wha, wha---" "And these artistic endeavours are clearly why you are failing science." Ms. Mendeleiev said in annoyance, "I'm sorry..." Nathaniel tried to apologize, but the teacher interrupted him, "You go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that chicken scratch! Then you'll be really sorry!" Brianna narrows her eyes at Ms. Mendeleiev. She shouldn't have embarrassed Nathaniel like that, she could have just talked to him after class, she knows a student should pay attention in class, but they can't stop themselves from daydreaming.

Nathaniel gathers his things and sullenly mad his way down the middle of the room on his way out of the classroom. On the way, he suddenly tripped over Brianna's backpack, sending his sketchbook flying out of his hands. Brianna pulls her bag under the workbench and quickly got up to helps Nathaniel up, she was about to pick up his sketchbook until Chloe grabbed it with a smirk on her face.

The Howling of the Moon [ON HOLD]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon