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"Hi honey, hello Taehyung!!" She said excitedly. She was finally moving with her boyfriend, who would soon become her husband. He had a child called Taehyung while she had one called Jimin. She hoped Taehyung would accept her into his life, even if she weren't his real mother. She wanted to bond with him as if he were her son. She was sure Jimin and Taehyung would get along well.

Taehyung who was in his dad's arms looked to see a woman, she had a friendly smile on her face, unlike his mother. He knew he could trust her. He glanced at his father with wide eyes and a questioning look, "Mommy?" he whispered. His father nodded and affirmed "Yes, she will be your mommy from now on" he kissed his son's forehead and gave him a warm smile.

Taehyung giggled, he finally had someone he could call mother. He extended his arms towards her indicating to his father that he wanted to be carried by his new mother but stopped when he noticed a small chubby-cheeked and plum-lipped kid holding his mother's leg tightly. He stared for a few minutes before wiggling all around for his dad to place him on the floor. He looked at his mother and asked "Who is he?"

She crouched next to him and the new boy, as his father did the same. "This, Taehyung, will be your little brother. He's Jimin."


His father chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Yes, Jiminie." He smiled at his soon-to-be wife. She smiled back. Taehyung seemed to like Jimin already.

Taehyung looked at Jimin and smiled widely. Jimin got shy at the beautiful smile addressed to him and hid his face near his mother's chest. She pushed him gently wanting him to accept his older brother. "Jimin..." she said with a serious tone, "Go hug your brother." Jimin knew he shouldn't test her patience. He slowly peeked from where he was hiding his face and slowly walked to Taehyung who had extended his arms in anticipation. Jimin had just learned how to walk. His steps weren't steady but as soon as he got near Taehyung he let himself fall into Taehyung's arms, who held him tightly. Taehyung was overjoyed, he was a big brother now. He promised himself he would care for Jimin as the apple of his eyes. Jimin looked at Taehyung's face before steadying himself on his legs and turning to his mother. "Momma, momma, stwabewwe"

"What is it Jimin? You want strawberries?" His mother asked, not knowing why he wanted those out of the blue.

"No, he smell stwabwwe" He said. His mother laughed, "Taehyung, you smell like strawberries?" Taehyung blinked twice before his father replied, "Yeah honey, his shampoo is strawberry scented." They chuckled when Taehyung finally understood.

"You can call me Strawberry Hyung if you like..." Taehyung suggested. Jimin nodded before saying "V hyung" with his eyes turning into crescents as he smiled. Taehyung smiled in return taking his brother's hand in his confirming the name his brother had given him "V hyung" before leading him inside the house and showing around the house.

Taehyung's father pulled his soon-to-be wife by her waist and kissed her forehead before saying, " I hope they get along forever"

A/N: Hi, hope you like this first chapter. This is my first story, please feel free to correct my mistakes. Hope you'll enjoy my story :) 

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