Chapter Fifteen: Noblestock

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"I'm not saying it is a bad idea, what I am saying is there is a temple of Bhaal returning to attack the city and us going to the Underdark for something that we don't know what memories will return is a tricky slope. People need us." 

"Tas'ki, that is not our problem that is a problem for the guards Gale. They can earn their coin. I agree with Shadowheart. Our Ra'stil is back." 

"Astarion could just ask Sebastion to search for it, while we try to keep the bloodshed to a minimum." Gale was flustered. The walls of the bunker felt smaller with such a large group. 

"Yes, let's leave it to a group of spawn that haven't had a pocket's worth of coin for the last couple of centuries." 

"I never thought you'd be one to avoid a fight Lae'zel." Gale's words were sharp. Lae'zel jumped from her seat dashing to the wizard. 

"You should know when to hold your tongue unless you would rather I hold it for you Gale." 

"Woah, there now. We are tired, in a small space besides there is no sense of trying to discuss what to do without talking to everyone, Astarion in particular." Karlach moved between the two foreheads pushed together not breaking eyes. She slowly parted them. "We should be happy not fighting, we've had enough fucking fighting for many lives." Gale and Lae'zel parted eyes not breaking the anger was thick in the air. 


Shadowheart held the damp cloth to Citrine's forehead eyes wide at Astarion who paced the room. "She'll be fine, she was held up there for Gods know how long, give it a couple of days." 

"Do you really think the Noblestock would help?" He continued pacing. 

"I don't know, but I do believe we'd all be fools for not trying. When she wakes please try to get her to drink, eat a little but she needs water-" Shadowheart paused mauling over her words. "And you need to eat as well its been days Astarion." Astarion waved a hand at her, she folded the cloth onto the empty plate on the nightstand leaving the room. "I'm serious Astarion, they won't vanish everyone is together, you need to take care of yourself."

Hours passed, the voices beyond the door settled as the group slept though Astarion paced and watched his tranced love until her eyes fluttered open once more. "Astarion?" his darted for her at hearing his name leave her lips. 

"Yes my darling little elf?" he couldn't help but smile at the sound of his name leave her. 

"So it is you?" a hope filled him.

"Do you-"

"No, but they taunted me with your name. I didn't know if it was you or not." She sat up slowly and patted the spot next to her, he sat as she looked his face over it looked as if she was memorizing each line, the dips and curves of his face. "Its like seeing someone and trying to remember their name but nothing comes to your tongue. Its just lost in the back of your throat." His hung at her words. "But, you feel familiar." She lifted his chin smiling at him. He smiled weakly back at her. "Where are they, our kids?" 

As the Fire Risesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें