1. Ezra

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It's been 23 minutes and 12 seconds since I've been staring at the screen that connected to the camera I've fitted in his room, just admiring how beautiful he looks while sleeping. His chest rising and falling in soft motions with his breaths and his lips slightly parted. I moved my fingertip over the screen imagining his soft skin under my touch as I closed my eyes with a smile tugged on my lips. To some people it might seem crazy but I can't help it, I can't seem to get him out of my head. Sometimes, I do wonder how he'd react if he knew about this, would he find it weird, perhaps he'd think I'm crazy for doing this but right now, with him sleeping in his bed looking so innocent, I can't seem to care about anything but him.

It's past 1am when his dark brows frowned and his lashes started to flutter over his eyes. When he woke up, he turned his arm to the bedside table and turned the lamp on, his eyes still half closed as he tried to adjust the dim light before getting off the bed. He looked around so confused, looking for his slippers, he looked so cute like that as he walked to the other side of his bed and found what he was looking for. He went inside the washroom. He took exactly 3 minutes and 14 seconds before he walked back to his bed, turned and tossed into his bed, trying to figure a good spot out so he can fall asleep while I'm smiling like an idiot just by looking at him.

I opened my eyes with the sound of my alarm ringing again and again by my desk, I stopped it and stretched with still sleepy eyes before my eyes fell to the laptop screen in front of me, he's not in his bed. Well, I'm not surprised that he's already gone to work since I always wake up after him and tell myself to sleep earlier the next day so I can see what he does before going to work but it's just so hard, when I start watching him at night, I just can't look away. He's too good to be real.

After turning the laptop off, I went to take a shower to freshen up, it's already 8:32 am and if I didn't hurry up I'd probably be late to work. The shower wasn't long, I quickly made myself a sandwich with my hair still wrapped up inside the towel and ate breakfast before changing into my office wear. A plain white t-shirt, black jeans and a scarf around my shoulders. My long black hair added up to the outfit in a ponytail as my waves reached my lower back.

Getting into my car, I placed my laptop, handbag and my files at the passenger seat and started the car. Before I could start driving, my phone started to ring. With a curious expression, I turned the radio off and picked up the call.

"Ms. Warren, It's Claire speaking. I'm calling you to inform that Mr. Zane is furious right now and you are risking your job every day by getting late" she said to me like she's ready to slap me through the screen and by her tone, I can tell that my boss would be real mad right now so I quickly apologised to her and started driving to my workplace.

"Ms. Warren, this is the third time in a week that I had Claire remind you of your duty to be here in time. Do you think we all have extra time to deal with you along with our own duties?" He said sharply, his voice was deep and cold. I tried to find any excuse I hadn't already used before to get out of this situation but he slammed his fist on the desk in front of him, startling the shit out of me. "I'm telling you one last time, be on time or bring in your resignation letter the next time you're late. Am I clear?" He said the last words with extra sharpness in his voice that would make anyone go weak on their knees. I nodded and apologised before leaving his office and walked to my desk.

"Girl, for the love of god, stop risking your job all the damn time" I heard Riley speak from the desk across mine in a low yet firm voice. I couldn't help rolling my eyes. "It's not like I'm doing it on purpose-" Before I could even finish, she narrowed her eyes at me. Alright my cue to shut the fuck up. "He was real mad at you today Ez, he almost fired you, you know" she pointed out and I know she's talking about our boss. He's really a strict ass who expects everyone to function by the ticks of the clock like he does. But that's what makes him even more attractive, the way his eyebrows pull together and his hazel eyes narrow  at me, threatening and sharp. He crosses his arms over his chest whenever he's trying to control his anger, his foot tapping on the floor and the way he moves his hand through his thick dark hair.

Again, it was Riley who pulled me back to reality with a snap of her fingers. "Get your shit together Ez, stop obsessing over your boss' ' She looks like she's ready to murder me right here with her expression so dark I can see hell in it. "I'm not obsessing over anyone-" I try to say and she just sighed heavily, annoyed, irritated and well sick of my shit that just makes me laugh and she slapped her hand on my arm, telling me to focus on my work and I did, at least tried.

As the day went on, I found myself wondering weird things and scenarios, mostly about Isaac Zane, the man who's got into my head like it's where he belongs. Riley, who's already so sick of me and my obsession with him, has to witness me zoning out in the middle of my work all the time. Poor Riley.

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