Chap 3- Black Coffee

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Its her first day today, she was nervous so she called Sita ji . After getting some words od encouragement she cut the call and looked at herself in the mirror. She had wore a white blouse and black pant , very simple formal attire. Her world has always been small her and her ashram thats it but ever since she stepped in Mumbai she realized the world is much bigger so much to see and experience.

Vera knocked on door, Imlie opened it "Ready babes for first day??" Vera looked more excited than Imlie.
"Yes but nervous hu" she admitted
"You will be fine, just if you do see your boss face without mask please tell me! I so want to know" she grinned
"Then what will happen to Sayam?" Imlie laughed
"He knows how i crush on Aryan Sekhawat" she said rolling her eyes. Sayam was Vera boyfriend from 4 years. Yesterday night she had invited him and introduced him to Imlie. They both were fun couple and made Imlie felt like home.

Vera was going to drop her today as it was her first day and she didnt want Imlie to be even tad late. Imlie looked at the huge glass building, she gulped in fear. She went in with her appointment letter to front desk. A very sharp feature woman sat there typing away, Imlie with a smiling face "Excuse me"
The woman looked up eyeing her up and down "Yes?"
"Its my first day at work today, this is my appointment letter" The woman without looking at her again took the paperwork and verified.

"Oh you are the new clerk for Mr. Sekhawat. Good luck I dont think you will last. You look like a lost child" She smirked and shook her head. Imlie was taken aback by her boldness to say something like this but she didnt say anything.

"Top floor, You will be handling and entering all Mr Sekhawat important documents, also if needed you will be his personal assistant at times" Imlie nodded she didnt mind doing multi tasking.
"Straight and take a left, there are two elevators. Black is for Boss and his right hand Rohit Sir , we take the grey one. Got it? You may go. Good luck" And the woman went back to her work as if Imlie never was there.

Imlie following the direction took the grey elevator,the topmost floor was 25th. She entered the floor, it was huge and could see the city through glass windows. There were three cabins, and small front desk where a man sat.

"Hi Sir, its my first day, My name Is Imlie" she introduced and handed him her paperwork.
"Far most cabin is yours. There are files there already. Rohit Sir will be in shortly he will tell you your work"

"Ok sir" She went to her cabin, it was beauitful for a such small time clerk. It was painted in bottle green color with gold accent. There was beautiful paintings, ans vase everywhere. It looked rich. She kept her bag and sat on her chair. Suddenly her heart started beating faster, she closed her eyes, she felt restless.

Meanwhile, Aryan ans Rohit just had entered the floor, the man on desk "David" "Sir, the new joinee is here. I told her to settle in cabin"

Aryan looked towards the cabin, his heart feeling restless. He frowned, he never felt this way. He shook his head and went to his cabin. Rohit went to Imlie's cabin.

Imlie stood up as a young man good looking came in.
"Hi Imlie?"
"Good Morning Sir" she smiled. Her face was cute and her eyes was the most innocent looking. Rohit already feared for this girl if ever she had to face Aryan wrath.
"Call me Rohit. You are from Mussorie right? Mr Gonzalez always talked about hardworking you are. We actually never do recommendations based hiring. We hire on merit but our relationship with Gonzalez is such we couldnt say no. We trusted his words, that you will prove yourself" he said truthfully.

"Hopefully sir you will get no complaints" she replied.
"Ok let me explain you your work" One hour Rohit showed her work also he mentioned there will be times when Aryan will call her for his personal work.
Like today Rohit had to go get the weapon shipment, he will be gone most of day, so today she will be getting anything Aryan needed.

"Ok Sir" Rohit then told her everything about building which floors is for what and where the canteen or cafeteria is.

"One more thing Imlie, Aryan is very particular about his coffees and lunch. Today you will be getting it for him, he likes to have very healthy food. Salads, chicken and sometimes Dal Chawal. He only eat Dal Chawal across the street restaurant owned by Rahim Chacha. He will let you know what he like to eat once he calls you ok? I know its a lot, and I will let Aryan Sir know to go little easy on you" he winked trying to make the poor girl little less restless. She looked very nervous with all the directions and responsibilities.

Rohit left soon after and Imlie started to enter the first file in the system.

After two hours, her phone rang "Imlie Speaking" she didnt want to say or greet
A very cold and dangerous voice from other end ordered "Bring me coffee black with little pepper and espresso" and he cut the call.

Imlie quickly got up and according to Rohit direction went to cafeteria. Coffee with pepper, Imlie made a face "Weird guy" she mumbled. Everybody was staring at her, new face in the building and plus she had Boss's coffee everybody knew what Aryan drank. Girls in the cafeteria were jealous that Imlie was first girl to enter that floor and could have even chance to interact with boss.

But Imlie did her work and kept to herself as she went back upstairs.
She knocked on the door, "Come in"A deep voice called.

Aryan had his mask on , he usally dont have mask in his office but now he will have to keep it on as a new joinee has entered his floor.

"Good Morning Sir, your coffee" a very sweet and meladious voice rang in Aryan's ears. He looked up.

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