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How they ended up sleeping on the roof?

Who knows.

Izuku was laid down leaning onto the roof box as Katsuki sat on his lap to form a comfortable makeshift cushion.

Izuku had woken up several times just to make sure that Katsuki was still with him after everything.

He'd cry himself back to sleep when he confirmed it.

Because of the on and off sessions Katsuki had woken up first, the morning light disturbing his peace.

Izuku had bags under his eyes which made Katsuki sigh knowing why.


He was still sleeping, his body not having a chance to actually re-energize.

Katsuki tried to stand up, seemingly to start making breakfast for the two but rolled his eyes when Izuku's grip on him got tranquillizingly appending.

He had no choice but to sit back and huff in annoyance as Izuku's arms once again rested against his waist.

Katsuki sat back to think of how to effectively go down to make breakfast without waking up the curly head.

He could slowly lift Izuku's arms off of him when he's finally relaxed again?

No, Izuku's training has made him hyper aware of whats going on with his body while sleeping.

That fact pretty much shut off all possible ideas and Katsuki grumbled realizing how much more he needed to catch up on.

Because seriously, having your body unconsciously move while sleeping because something ticks it off is something Katsuki will never rightfully comprehend.

He better start training again. He hasn't been able to ever since the whole Izuku situation and everything.

Katsuki sighed and closed his eyes, leaning back onto Izuku who's hands flinched at the movement.

He cares about Izuku, truly, but sometimes...

He's not complaining about having to be kept with Izuku as long as he breaths, of course not! That would be silly after all.

But he can't help but think if this is going to be his new normal. How are he, or Izuku, supposed to become pro heroes if they can't do solo missions or really anything without each other?

The physiological doctor said Izuku should be able to comprehend the calm of the present in a couple months, max a year, but nothing seems to be changing.

Izuku is still just Izuku.

Izuku is still the same.

Still needs a Katsuki to breathe.

Since the beginning.

Katsuki never understood why Izuku had always ran back to Katsuki during their childhood, even after Katsuki had beat and taunted him, leaving him exposed to humiliation.

But now he thinks he knows why.

He tried just avoiding talking about it recently but, the kiss.

Izuku had a crush on Katsuki for a long time now.

Katsuki felt stupid.

It made sense now that he knew though.

Izuku always held him like a treasure, always cheered him on despite being end to end rivals, always lit up whenever he entered a room, always forgave him after being abused by him...


Katsuki doesn't deserve him.

Even the therapist realized that Izuku was too trusting, a trait he had definitely learned while endearing Katsuki during their younger years.

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