I look down at my phone as I hear it buzz to see an incoming phone call coming from my mother.

"Hi Mama." I answer into the phone as I started gathering my things to leave.

"I'm guessing your not joining us for dinner again right?" My mother asked with disappointment in her voice.

This is the fifth time this month, that I had to skip a family dinner with my family and my mother hates it. She and my aunts put so much effort into these dinners and I hate that I have to miss so much of them.

I don't live at the house anymore with my parents so my mom expects me to show up to the dinners at least. Just like Victoria, when she married Asher they moved out into their own house, and they still managed to make it to all of the dinners.

"No, I'm sorry Mom. I fell behind with some work and I-"

"Please don't use your job as Don as an excuse. Leon your father managed just fine when he was Don, is there something your not telling us?"


"No Mom, I'm sorry I'll make it next week. I promise." I could hear her let out a sigh on the other end of the phone as I enter my black audi.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too, Mama." I hang up the phone before I exit the parking lot of the warehouse and make my way to my next destination.

Fucking Noah.


I pull into the parking lot of my nightclub "Phoenix". I opened the club up last year and it has managed to make its way up the club chain.

It is now the most popular club in all of New York City. When my Dad heard that I was planning on opening another club he wasn't exactly happy with the decision. He said that we didn't need another club and that it would be a waste of money.

As if we didn't have enough to go around.

"Good evening Mr De Luca." The security guard at the entrance greeted me as I approached the door to the club, where a long line of people awaited to enter.

"You seen her at all tonight?" I asked him which made him look at me confused for a second before he realized who I was talking about.

"Only when she first arrived this afternoon sir." I thank him before I enter the club. As I enter I am greeted with the bright lights flashing and loud music.

I walked past the dance floor and walked towards the stairs that led me to my office that's on the top floor. Once I enter my office I take off my suit jacket before I take a seat at my desk.

I turn on my computer and then login into the security cameras, I started flipping through the views until I found one that focused just on her.

Lydia Jones.

The woman who has been the biggest pain in my ass for the last year. Not that she knew any of that of course, considering we've never actually had a conversation before.

She's the woman that both Noah and I had been after for the past four years. Except by some fucking coincidence, she ended up applying for a waitress job here last year when we first opened.

She had applied under the name of Lucy Meyers. The only problem with that was that both Noah and I already knew what she looked like and who she really was.

Mafia Series: Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now