"Sleep well.", I mumble before I fall asleep.

When I wake up the next day, Leah is not in bed. There is no smell of breakfast in the air. Strange. I get up and put on my clothes from yesterday. I leave the bedroom and find Leah sitting on the sofa. She looks serious, almost sad. Is it because I'm leaving tonight? As soon as she sees me, she stands up.

"Good morning.", I walk over to her and lean in to kiss her, but she leans away.

"What's wrong?", I ask concerned.

She turns away and looks out of the window.

"You have to go.", her voice sounds nothing like yesterday. She sounds so cold.

"What?", I ask in disbelief.

She turns around and looks me in the eyes. Her look is serious and composed. She doesn't look at me with these blue eyes I fell for in such a brief time anymore. Her eyes are cold, still, as if she is a whole different person then she was before.

"You heard me. You have to go. Out of my flat and back to Germany.", she sounds so different. I feel a knot tighten in my chest, making it hard to breathe.

"But- ", I stutter but she cuts me off.

"You can't think that this was something serious for real? You were nothing but a good time to me.", she scoffs.

She can't be for real. This is not her; this is...I don't even know what to say.

"So, that's what this was?", I finally get out. "A good time?"

"Oh please, we both knew that what was going on between us had a time limit.", she sounds mean.

Is she for real? I was nothing but a good time? But what was that yesterday? Is she such a good liar?

I feel my eyes watering. I will not cry in front of her. I can cry in the hotel room but not here.

I pick my bag up and walk over to the door, not daring to have eye-contact with her.

"Bye, then", I say composed and close the door.

What the fuck was this?

I manage to get into the hotel without crying, but my eyes are red, nonetheless. I open the door to our room and see Laura jumping to me while grinning.

"How was your- ", she cuts herself off as she sees my eyes.

"What's wrong?", she asks instead.

"Apparently Leah and I just had a good time, that's all.", I sob.

"What? I mean, you guys have only known each other for a little bit of time but", she pauses, trying to find the right words. "But I saw the way you look at each other.", she finishes.

"Well, seems like the two of us were the only who saw it.", I say, and a tear runs down my cheek.

Laura pulls me into a tight hug.

"She can't be serious.", she whispers in my ear.

"Then why did she say all this?", I ask crying. I don't want an answer to that question. Well, I do but from Leah.

Laura lets go off me and tries to answer something, but I don't want to talk. I feel like the knot that has formed in my chest wouldn't let me say much more.

"Can we please just pack and get home?", I manage to ask. She nods.

The rest of the day happens in almost complete silence. We pack our bags in silence, drive to the airport in silence, get on the plane in silence. We only talk when it is absolutely necessary. That is the thing I like most about having Laura as my best friend. She understands me. Even if she likes to make fun of me and embarrasses me, whenever she gets the chance to do so, she knows when I need it quiet.

The flight feels like torture, and I am glad when we finally arrive at my car. I'm just about to jump into the driver's seat when Laura takes my key out of my hand.

"You are not in the condition to drive. I will drive you home.", she demands, and I get in the passenger's seat without arguing.

"How do you get home?", I ask after we drove for a bit.

"I texted mum. She will pick me up.", she answers.

"Thank you", I say in a quiet voice.

When we arrive at my house, Laura hugs me one last time.

"We will figure something out.", she whispers in my ear.

"How? I have no chance to see her again soon.", I sob into her shoulder.

"I just know we will.", she assures and lets go of me.

As soon as I walked inside, I leave my bag behind and go upstairs. Luckily, mum is not home today so I have time for myself. I crawl into my bed and the tears begin to fall. I only have one thing on my mind. I repeat her words in my head.

"You can't think that this was something serious for real? You were nothing but a good time to me."

"Oh please, we both knew that what was going on between us had a time limit."

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