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Gone to see the baby xx

Was written on a little piece of paper on the bedside table when Juice woke up. The sun had barely risen, and small beams of light danced through the cracks of the curtains. He smiled slightly to himself as he flopped back down on the bed. He only lay there for a few moments before he drug himself up and went for a shower. The mirror was already foggy with steam, Bailey had already been for a shower, the sweet smell of her body wash, and shampoo lingering in the damp air.

As he got dressed, he saw one of the dufflebags were open. He couldn't help but crane his neck over slightly to see what was inside it.

It was the bag she had taken out of storage yesterday, her old gear. A bullet-proof vest, gloves, ski mask, a metal baseball bat, a few Glocks, holsters, an AK disassembled, and an M4 in the same state. Everything he ever remembered seeing her clean and use. Well, two things were missing. Her knife and her Baretta.

A light knock on the door broke Juice's stare on the bag, and a moment later, Chibs was slowly opening the door. When the older man saw Juice was already up and dressed, he chuckled slightly.

"She's gone to see the baby." Juice explained.

"Aye, you alright, lad?" Chibs asked softly as he looked at Juice staring at the bag.

"Yeah, man." Juice smiled slightly.

Chibs just gave him a questioning look and walked towards the bag that Juice had been staring at. The Scotty sighed slightly when he saw the weapons inside.

"Wha' she take?" Chibs asked carefully.

"Just the knife and Baretta, I think." Juice shrugged.

"Precautionary." Chibs reassured.

"Yeah, I know." Juice nodded.

"Yah no' like her wantin' the seat back?"

"I dunno. Just got the feelin' she did some shit while she was away." Juice shrugged.

"Aye, could always vote against 'er, buy a house and lock her in it, maybe put a baby or two in 'er." Chibs half joked.

"Think she'd kill me in my sleep if I voted against her, man." Juice chuckled.

"Oh, definitely. But if yah keep 'er knocked up, you keep 'er off the bike." Chibs grinned.

"That plan is almost picture perfect." Juice agreed with a grin as he put on his Kutte and knife.

"Wha's it missin', laddy?" Chibs asked cheekily.

"I fuckin' love her on the bike."

Bailey had been sat in the ICU with the baby for hours. She had just been reading to him, talking to him about nothing in particular. It kind of broke her heart to see him in the toaster, hooked up to loads of machines, too tiny to wear a proper diaper. But she was so relieved to see his chest rise and fall with each little breath.

"Hey." Tara greeted gently as she opened the door slowly.

"Hi, Tara." Bailey smiled slightly.

"You're here early." Tara stated as she began flicking through the medical notes.

"Yeah, felt shit leavin' him." Bailey admitted. "Wanna see him as much as i can, just in case he - well, you know."

"Hes doing good. They don't wanna wait much longer to do the heart surgery."

"Thats good, right?"

"It gives him the best odds." Tara agreed. "I - er, heard you left." She stated.

Bailey 'The Bullet' TellerWhere stories live. Discover now