"You won't just let me talk to Lail-"

My phone started ringing and we both looked at it. He reached over grabbing it handing it to me, I saw it was Lail calling and looked at him.

"Answer it"



"Yeah?" He sighed and I tensed up. Alonzo started rubbing my back and I relaxed a bit.

"I got you something"

I scoffed "What the fuck Lail? You ignore me for weeks! For fucking weeks now you think a gift is going to fix this shit? How fucking dare-"

"I'm not coming back to America to see you," he said "I bought you two houses in your name, keys are in the mailbox," he said calmly

"Excuse me?" I stood up "You think-You fucking bitch!" I screamed and Alonzo stood up coming over to me. He tried taking the phone away from me but I snatched away from him "You're a fucking pussy, Lail! No wonder why Babu won't give you his fucking mafia! You think fucking money will solve all your problems you fucking piece of shit!"

"You done?"

"I hate you! And if I see you again Lail I swear to god I'll fucking kill you" He chuckled hanging up the phone and I screamed throwing it across the room "That fucking bastard!" I screamed and started crying "I hate him!"

Alonzo came over hugging me and I cried "It's fine Asia"

"Why does everyone leave me?" I started panicking "Mom, pops, my parents, my own family doesn't even want me! Now Lail-"

He grabbed my face looking at me "Look at me Asia" I looked up at him "I will never willingly leave you" I nodded my head "I love you you fucking crybaby"

I chuckled "I love you too you dork"

After Alonzo took me to buy a new phone and food we made it to the first house

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After Alonzo took me to buy a new phone and food we made it to the first house. I didn't tell Alonzo but I had a plan with both of these houses; sell them. I didn't want shit from Lail. Hell, I was even going to send him the clothes back he bought me, the money in my account. He could have that shit too.

"Quit making that face," Alonzo said

"I'm not making a face," I said biting into my chicken and then throwing it in the box

"Look" I looked at him and he chuckled taking a napkin and wiping my mouth "I know it'll be hard but try not to focus on him okay?"

"Out of all the fucking cliches I could've got stuck with. I get the 'love isn't for me so I'm gonna push you away'"

Alonzo chuckled "You want to go kill him? Will that make you feel better?"

"No I don't even want to look at his ugly face" I rubbed my face "I shouldn't even be talking to you about him"

Their Asia (Geniuses and Genetics Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now