she's working with her ex

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real life | imessage

chris's pov
anna has been busy this whole week with jaden writing and recording their song, she wasn't supposed to record with him but his manager thought it would be

better if they did, it's really bugging me that she's spending all this time with the guy who cheated on her

worst part about it i can't talk about with nick and matt because anna doesn't want anyone knowing about this until the song comes out, they aren't gonna

tell anyone when it's coming out their just gonna release it, don't get me wrong i'm so proud of her for

doing what she loves i just wish she didn't have to do it with him. i have no right to be jealous but i can't help it

the more i think about it the more jealous i get ugh why did she say yes to writing the song with him? does

she still love him? whatever. i hear a knock on my door "hey can i come in?" i hear matt say, i yell back"yeah!"

he walks in and sits on my bed "how come ari hasn't been over this week?", "she's busy" is all i say and i can

tell he wanted to know more but she told me not to tell fuck it is have to talk to someone about this, i sigh "she

is with jaden recording their song they've been working on together" his eyes look like there gonna

pop out of his socket there so wide "are you serious and i'm just finding out about this", i nod "she doesn't

want you guys to know till it comes out so don't say a word to anyone i just wanted to talk about it with someone", "and why do you wanna talk about it?" he

asks confused, "because it bugs me that she's been with him this whole week" he laughs "so your jealous"

"i wouldn't say jealous but-" he cuts me off "your jealous chris you've like ari since we were kids and

everyone knows it but you and her" i sigh "she's working with him man after what he did to her" he

pats me on the back "i didn't wanna be the person to tell you this but uh meg said that ari told her she's

been kind've missing him lately", she misses him. she said she didn't want to be friends with him anymore but she misses him that's why she said yes to doing the

song "do you think she'll get back together with him?" matt laughs "no she won't she knows she can't it's

pretty normal for her to miss him but she won't get back together with him not when she likes you" i shake

my head "she doesn't like me", "you two need to realize that you guys like eachother and put us all out of our

misery cause let's be honest chris when you guys were 'fake dating' both of you wanted it to be real" he walks

out of my room and i fall back on my bed, she doesn't like me it's obvious she wants to be with jaden and

there's nothing i can do about it. i'm about to get in the shower when my phone goes off and it's a text from anna.

wanna be yours { chris sturniolo }जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें