Sandstar took a bite of vole and chewed thoughtfully. "I don't see why they should be at risk more than any other cat," he replied, swallowing his mouthful. "Goldenstar will want to look after all the apprentices to guarantee a strong fighting force."

Silverstream didn't look reassured. "But Goldenstar knows who their father is," he pointed out. "He hates me, and I'm worried that he'll take it out on Featherpaw and Brookpaw."

Sandstar realized that Silverstream had a fair point about Goldenstar's hostility. "What would you like to do?"

Silverstream blinked nervously, "I want you to come with me across the river and bring them back to Thunderclan."

Sandstar stared at his friend. "Are you completely mouse-brained? You're asking your Clan leader to stroll into Riverclan territory and steal a couple of apprentices?"

Silverstream scraped his forepaw on the ground. "Well, if you put it like that..."

"How else would you put it?" Sandstar tried to control his shock, but Silverstream's suggestion was too close to Brokentail's old crime of stealing kits. If Sandstar agreed and Riverclan found out about it, they would be justified in attacking Thunderclan. And with Shadowclan to help them, that was a risk Sandstar couldn't take.

"I knew you wouldn't listen." Silverstream turned and began to retreat, his tail drooping.

"I am listening. Silverstream, come back and let's think about this." As Silverstream stopped, Sandstar went on: "You don't know that Featherpaw and Brookpaw are in danger. And they're apprentices now, not kits. They have the right to decide their own future. What if they want to stay in Riverclan?"

"I know." Silverstream sounded despairing. "Don't worry, Sandstar. I understand there's nothing you can do to help."

"I didn't say that." Against all his better judgment, Sandstar knew he couldn't stand by and do nothing to help his friend. Silverstream pricked his ears, half-hopeful, as Sandstar went on: "Suppose we go over there quietly, just the two of us, and check on them? If they're okay, then you won't need to worry any more. If they're not, I'll tell them there's a place for them in Thunderclan, if that's what they choose."

Silverstream's blue eyes had begun to glow as Sandstar spoke. "That's great!" he meowed. "Thanks, Sandstar. Can we go now?"

"If you like. Let me finish this vole first. You find Brindleface and tell him he's in charge of the camp. But don't tell him where we're going," he added quickly.

Silverstream bounded off to the warriors' den while Sandstar swallowed the last few gulps of vole and swiped his tongue over his mouth. By the time he had finished, Silverstream had reappeared and the two friends headed for the mouth of the gorse tunnel.

Reaching it, however, they stopped short as a familiar black and white shape slipped into the clearing.

"Patchpaw!" Sandstar exclaimed happily. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you," Patchpaw responded, touching noses in greeting with Sandstar and then with Silverstream. "Silverstream, I haven't see you in moons! How are you?"

"I'm fine. It's easy to see you're doing well," he added, eyeing Patchpaw's glossy black and white pelt.

"I came to pay my respects to Oakstar," Patchpaw explained. "You remember, Sandstar, you said I could."

"Yes, of course." Sandstar glanced at Silverstream, whose paws were working urgently in his haste to be off. "Patchpaw, can you go and find Cinderpelt? He'll show you the place where Oakstar is buried. Silverstream and I are just off on a mission."

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