Let the challeneges begin

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Mia dangled from the tree with her feet wrapped around it, as she hanged upside down.
The breeze brushed against her hair making it swift back and forth. She took a glance up at the sky as vines from the trees climbed up on her body, slithering around her skin as they gently tightened around her.
Her vines wrapped through the forest and straight into the town nearby. If Mia concentrated enough and felt everything the vines felt, she could hear what others were saying.
The vines slithered up the town wall, using them as her eyes she was able to see what was posted on it.

The town hall news:
King Charles has passed away, and in the making we have decided to elect candidates for the opening position as king or Queen.
There will be only one chosen winner.
We open the submission tomorrow morning here at the town hall, so everyone that comes be prepared for what we will ask of you.
Good luck and may the most strongest and successful ruler win.

Mia smirked as she opened her eyes, gracefully landing on the floor. "The king is dead."
Luke approached. "Obviously that's what I was coming to tell you."
Mia squealed as leaves swarmed around her, whisking through the air. "Oh, to be Queen."
Luke chuckled. "Uh huh, you do understand that you're going to have to beat me to become it?"
"Ugh, you're going to participate aren't you?"
"Don't worry you know I won't go easy. You know what maybe you should worry."
Mia grunted as she rolled eyes.
"You won't even make the cut."
"I highly doubt it. But whatever makes you feel better."
Mia whisked some leaves in Luke's face feeling annoyed as she walked away.
"Don't worry if you do cut out for it I'm sure it's just because they don't want to embarrass you-"
Vines wrapped around Luke's leg, knocking him to the ground.
"Hey! What was that for!"
Mia giggled "we'll see."
Later that evening, Mia went up to her home near the village, it was a small cottage that was built from her vines near the river end.
She went inside to find her grandfather sitting at the kitchen table spinning a knife in his hands.
"Have you heard the news?"
Mia approached cautiously, "The kings death? I have.. I'm actually going to show up for the trials tomorrow morning to try out."
"Good. What about that friend of yours?"
"Luke? Yeah he's also-"
Cole her grandfather threw the knife scrapping Mia's arm as it hit the wall behind her.
"Do not let him take this from you! Do you hear me?! He may have the element of fire, but you have nature at your disposal. If you both ever have to go head to head, do not let him win."
Those words kept ringing through Mia's head the entire night. Luke was much stronger than me and would probably have the better advantage of becoming king. But Cole was right, I needed to use my best moves and what I have learned so I can be Queen.
The following morning Mia showed up bright and early for the try outs to find the line already halfway down the town. Some must of camped the night out.
She glanced up ahead of the line to find Luke waving at her. She quickly went over. "Did you really camp it out?"
"By your tone of your voice it seems like you're slightly judging me."
"Me judging you? Always." Mia smiled.

"Welcome! welcome! By seeing all of your faces today it seems like it's going to be an interesting first day! Let me not hold you all any longer, today we will be having our first trail and many of you will not pass. And let me get this in just in case any of you who are wondering, there are no rules. If you are in a duel with someone, the rules do not state that they can not kill you."

It made sense since this was to test your strength as king or Queen.

"There's also ranking from 1-400." He approached a billboard that was covered and quickly pulled down the cover that was covering it. "By the end of the week if you are in the top 150 you passed into the next league. Every week it will go shorter and shorter depending on how deaths there are of course. There will also be surprise challenges. You will also be given wrist bands that track if you've been killed or what rank you fall into. It tells us your skills and how strong you might be. Now enough talking, let the games began."

He explained how at the start of the season we will dueling right off the bat. They went around and handed every one of us a band showing error.
Once we start it'll show us what rank we are and how strong they think we are based on our element.

"For the first challenge we're going to go ahead and do 1 v 1s, on your watch it's going to randomly select who you'll be going against and when your duel will happen."

Luke and I look down at our watch, spinning between the contestants mine stops on a girl named Stephanie her element was water. We were #34 in line.
And Luke's stopped on a girl whose name was Melanie her element was nature. His was #4 in line.
Luke chuckled. "this will be fairly easy."
Mia just glanced down at her watch and looked around to see the girl from her watch glaring at her.
"It doesn't seem like she'll go easy make sure to show her what you got."
Mia nodded. "I don't need motivation from you."
"I wasn't giving you motivation, I'm just saying don't die because I want a duel with you in the end."
She glanced at Luke and back at the ring. "Okay."

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