Orion closed his rear car door and turned around, looking Phoenyx up and down before chuckling quietly.

"My face get added to a banned list, or something?" He asked, slinging a backpack over his shoulder.

"Nah. It can get added to a case file, though." Phoenyx said smugly.

"Damn. Why is everybody so hostile around here?" Orion took a few seconds to check his surroundings. "The gallery is open, right? You security or something?"

Phoenyx narrowed his eyes, "You tryna be funny?"

"Just trying to figure out the issue." Orion squeezed his key to lock his car, before folding his arms over his chest. "I mean, I don't think the owner has a problem with me being here."

"Her nigga do, though." Phoenyx shrugged. "And now I do."

"I don't want Zolina, alright?" Orion rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Y'all can stop stressing about that."

"Fuck you want then?" Phoenyx tilted his head, putting his hands behind his back. "Can't be her art since you ain't buy shit yet. But you a photographer though, right? Lookin' for some typa come up?"

Orion fanned him off and averted his eyes, refusing to answer the question.

"Ay, listen here, bruh. I ain't really fuckin' with yo' energy." Phoenyx pulled the gun out of his waistband and held it at his side discreetly. "There's alotta people ridin' for shorty, and honestly? I might be the nicest one."

The sound of the gun cocking back garnered Orion's attention. His eyes widened like saucers, and he held his hands up in panic.

"Woah, woah." He back peddled until his body hit the driver's side door of his Nissan. "Shit, chill out, man."

Before things could escalate any further, the slam of a door was heard in the distance, causing Orion's focus to shift momentarily. Phoenyx didn't blink or move a muscle until he felt a presence standing beside him.

He checked his peripheral and sucked his teeth, "Ain't I tell you to stay in the car?"

"Miss me with that shit." Grant frowned and sized up the man; not caring that he was more than a decade younger and weaponless. "Who is this?"

"Alright, alright. I just—" Orion sighed, wiping his sweaty palms on his jean jacket and deciding to diffuse the situation. "How well do you actually know her? Zolina?"

"What?" Grant's frown deepened at the question posed by the stranger.

Phoenyx turned his lip up, "Who is you to be questioning me 'bout my sis?"

"Our sis." Grant added.

"Y'all sis, huh?" Orion let out a hearty laugh then, shaking his head. "On some hood shit? Or that's really your blood?"

"She my fuckin' sister, nigga." Phoenyx walked up on him; the only space between them was the gun that was now pressed against Orion's abdomen. "The fuck do it matter?"

"Because, nigga." Orion didn't back down this time, staring at both Phoenyx and Grant with a cold expression. "Zolina is my fucking sister."


[ 9:38 AM ]
Vertex Condos

[ 9:38 AM ]Vertex Condos

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