Chapter 2: The training

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Rowan and Roman sit under a tree drinking tea and pondering over their endeavors.

"So to put things short, the absolute removal of all existing mortals,including both in the afterlife AND hell. Nobody is allowed alive in all this. And if the Gods are to intervene in our plan for mortals. Then we'll kill them too...or you can just absorb them, that counts."

"You know I never really considered absolute erasure...that would be too boring. I prefer...putting their lives on the line, because at that point. They realize their wrongdoings and I don't have to destroy them. It's better to dangle a nuke than to actually blow it up. What even lead you to the conclusion of erasure?" Roman drink his tea; already halfway empty in one sip.

"You're a former mortal right? You may hate them, but not longer than me." As Rowan says this, Roman pouts. "Of course, you being older and all." Rowan sips her tea, "Yeah, I have seen the worst mortals have done for what? More than three hundred years. No matter what systems they hold, ancient, modern or otherwise. One way or another. They'll find a way to justify slitting each other's throats." 

Rowan continues, "Have you seen the more older societies and how they work Roman the divine?" He ponders on this and answers with his fingers "Like one or two times. I really don't mind the mortals that are more...primitive..." 

Rowan spits her tea in shock. "W-WHY? You should erase the infection before it spreads! What are you gaining from ignoring them despite their fighting? Just because they are fighting with swords does not mean that in the future they'll get nukes, and even magic that can even rival GODS!"

"So far nobody has defeated me in battle Rowan. This body of mine can absorb even powerful beings so I can take their power. As for my personal reason. It is just fun saving older societies. Then once they get too far in the future yet continue their bloodshed. Become their very destroyer."

"I see, have you ever defeated a God before?"

"Oh numerous, I'm the reason why Zeus no longer exists." Rowan spits her tea again "YOU DID THAT? A Former mortal...who turned into...that! Was responsible for the great cataclysm brought about to ancient Gods!?"

"I take full credit Rowan, never would have done it without my new body." To show the extent of his body, Roman shapeshifts into multiple indescribable horrors. From regular slimy abominations to even sticking to the edge of the skies. Rowan is not even fazed by this, in fact, she is amused.

"An eldritch body is the hardest to control. Whatever conscience you have in that head. It must be hard as a planetary core." Roman sits, "Well it took three years for my consciousness to fully take over this body. At first my body was very primal and only desired the life force of hundreds of people. And as my body evolved up until perfection. I was able to gain more control."

"I am wondering Rowan, how powerful are you?"

"Quite powerful, but certain mortals have catched up on that. And I am not going to beat higher Gods anytime soon. What about you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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