The only thing I could do is pray. Pray for someone to come and save me.

They then leave laughing as they close my door.

I put on my clothes as I cry, once I'm fully changed I crawl to my window, I then begin to pray getting on my knees.

"P - please. Help me. I'll do anything. P - please take me, take me to you. I - I can't do it no more. G - God, please, take me to you... please or I'll bring myself to you. I'm willing to do anything. What d - did I do to deserve this...?" I say pausing as I cry more.

"I - I'm tired. I'm so so, so tired. I don't think I can hang on any more. Please take me to you, Amen." I say as I fall on my butt sobbing, looking at my burns on my arms.

What did I ever do to deserve this? I thought.

I cry more sobbing.

I get up and walk towrds my stuffed animals.

"I - I'm so sorry you had to see that. I'm s - so sorry?" I whisper crying.

"Y - you shouldn't have s - seen that." I say to my stuff animal's.

They're probably very disappointed in me for not fighting back. They are. I know I'm disappointed in myself as well. But the only thing I can do is stay still frozen.

I get up and walk towrds my closest getting anothor pair of clothes, and put it in the bathroom on a small table.

I walk towards my dresser where my makeup is at. I get a blade that's hidden. I slowly get it and I begin to cut my arm.

I don't hiss in pain not do I flinch.





Once I'm done I look at my wrist to see it bleeding a lot. I don't care to clean it up. I walk to my bathroom locking the door and turning on the water to the hotest

I strip from my clothes again and then take a shower again.

Once I'm done taking a shower I get out and dry myself and then get ready.

Looking at myself in the mirror I nod. I then do my hair. Half up and down, the half up has a pink bow.

I then wrap myself covering the scares with a white warp

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I then wrap myself covering the scares with a white warp. I get pink and white brackets covering the white wrap.

To escape this place for a bit besides sleeping I go.

I go to work...sometimes to see my dad to.

I get my stuff and then leave.

I sigh as I see stores. I then walk to a small cafe I now worked before two days ago. I start today.

A old woman works, she said she had an employee but only one. That's all i know.

Once I arrive I go inside the small cafe. It's so cut

"Awh dear. You must be Lilly." I hear a unfamiliar voice. I turn to see a old woman.
"Oh - uh yea that me." I say smiling.

"Ah so yes. You'll be working with a young woman. She's your age I believe." She says.

"Thank you Ms -" I say but get cut off by her.

"Oh please. Dear, call me Lucy." Lucy says as I nod smiling.

"Bella!" Lucy shouts.

"Coming Lucy!" I hear a familiar voice.

A girl who I recognize as Bella from school comes towards us smiling.

"Bella this is the girl I was talking to you about. She'll be working with you." Lucy says.

"Hi. Don't worry Lucy no need to intorudruce. She's the new girl from our school." Bella says smiling.

"Oh good. Well I'll be back. Bella, dear why won't you show Lilly around and show her some stuff?" Lucy suggested as Bella nods.

"Um is it ok if my friends come for a bit?" Bella ask.

"Oh yes the boys. Sure dear. Make sure Jake doesn't try to eat the stuff." Lucy says as Bella nods. Lucy then leaves.

"Hi!" Bella says smiling.

"Hi." I say.

"I'm sorry if I made you felt uncomfortable. I really think me and you should be friends. Plus I'm the only girl in the group." Bella says frowing.

"It's ok." I say.

"I'm sorry I was being mean." I apologize as she nods.

"C - can we be friends?" She ask as I nod smiling.

"Finally!" She says as I giggle.

"Ok well let's get stared." She says as I nod.

She then shows me around and tell me about stuff.

About ten minutes later we finish, we then sit down.

A knock is then on the door.

"Thoses my friends, I'll introduce them to you."

Anothor chapter! If you guys have eating disorders don't do that to yourself just to lose weight. It's not good and it wouldn't help you. But you guys should and need to know that you are beautiful either way. You all are beautiful. It doesn't matter. You. Are. Beautiful. ❤️

Counted words: 1414

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