MC's Profile + Abilities (Spoilers + Revamp²)

Start from the beginning

Passive Skills: Skills that are active passively either continuously or situationally || 
1) Expert Weapons Smith: Weapons of high quality are more likely to be made with fewer flaws and have a chance of a random enchantment. |
2) Simhadhi Fire Attribute: All fire spells and skills are enhanced by Simhadhi, a flame that purges evil and restores the living. The flame grows stronger by the user's sense of justice. | 
3) Aura Projection: Creating weapons or objects out of aura. |
4) Aura Conversion: Switching between offensive and defensive aura takes less time. |
5) Aura Enchantment: Imbuing items with aura is now easier. |
6) Affinity Imbuement: After activating a skill or spell, the next attack will be imbued by the affinity of that spell |
7) Body of Domination: When facing (Holy Affiliated Beings) all stats, buffs, and debuffs increase dramatically. (Locked) |
8) Body of Subjugation: When facing (Ennula Apokalyps) all stats, buffs, and debuffs reduce dramatically. Karmic value buffs are also rendered useless when facing against this person. (Locked) |
9) Eye of the Sage(World Champion): The user can now manipulate the fundamental forces. Without the King's body skill, this skill only grants sight in any place and detection of attacks. |
10) Body of the King(World Champion + One-time event): This passive skill, grants the user the capability of manipulating the three types of energy, potential, kinetic, and thermal energy. |
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Active/Attack Skills: Skills activated upon command that deal damage, buff/debuff the user or target. || 
1) Infernal Summons: Sword | Spear | Pillar | Feathers |
2) Arcane Sumons: Through a limited-time event, monsters from a different world fell into Yggdrasil, some bonding with players. These monsters were tethered into the world using arcane arts after fully bonding with who they chose to stay with. |
3) Infernal Step: Dodging  |
4) Aura Blast: By compressing aura into an attack, the next attack will create a blast of aura. |
5) Aura Shield: By concentrating aura into their body or weapons, blocking will be imbued with aura receiving less damage to yourself. |
6) Infernal Claw: Hands are imbued with infernal magic and deals fire damage. |
7) Infernal Spike: Through contact with the earth, a spike of fire erupts from the ground and onto an enemy. |
8) Energy Manipulation: Direct manipulation of potential, kinetic, and thermal energy grants further strength upon every hit. |
9) Polarity Manipulation: Apply or remove the effect of polarity on objects or a person to either bring them to him or to push them away. |
10) Vitality Manipulation: When dealing damage the user restores their body, defeating targets grants a greater restoration while eliminating targets grants a full restoration. |
11) Gravity Manipulation: By increasing gravity all enemies within range are hit with a +3 speed debuff within a +5 radius(100 meters), |
12) Velocity Manipulation: Induce or remove drag on objects or a person to decrease or increase the user's speed. |
13) Friction Manipulation: Increase or decrease friction on oneself or others to escape easier to keep a hold on someone, or to make them slip. |
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Spells: Magic-based abilities with certain effects ||
1) Infernal Blast 7th tier: A long-rage fire attack of a ball of flame. (Spear) |
2) Infernal Cleave 8th tier: A long-range fire attack in the form of a slash. (Sword) |
3) Infernal collapse 6th tier: A concussive blast of fire that applies a burning effect on the ground and anyone within range. (Greatsword) |
4) Infernal Meteor: Summons a blazing ball of metal and earth that goes from standard(7) to medium(8) to high(9) tier. |
5) Call of the Howling Winds 8th tier: A spell that pushes enemies away with a strong wind capable of slicing metal. |
6) Chained Lightning 7th tier: Gathers lightning into the hand of the user and is thrown in whichever direction like a javelin. |
7) Null Space: 10th Tier: Creates a space that cancels all spell effects for 15 seconds. |
8) Smite of the World: A concussive blast from above is created upon tracking a target. The spell can switch between AOE and a single target. |
9) Null and Spatial Shield: Stops spells of any kind below the 7th tier from entering. |
10) Perfect Warrior: Grants the ability to convert main job class, and sub-classes into another class, evolution/attributes carries between classes. |
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