Sweet Revenge

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Once the potion went still, she cautiously banished all the air around it before lowering the shield. Who knew what kinds of fumes the failed concoction could have emitted.

"Well, it will be," she said wryly. "Once I get the formula right." As she cast a few analytic spells at the mess in and around the cauldron, she asked, "And what about you two? Managed to tweak your Canary Cream potion successfully?"

"Oh yeah, finally got it-"

"-done just yesterday."

She paused briefly to shoot them both a smile. "Excellent, we can carry our plan out soon." She ducked her head to continue her additions to the potion recipe. It seemed like she'd added too much occamy shell and bay leaves. Creating and tweaking potions was always difficult. It required a strong grasp of theory and a lot of patience. She figured it would take another day or two before she could get this right, if she included the runic aspect of the potion.

"Well, that gives us time-"

"-to practice those spells," Fred and George said after she told them.

Speaking of practice... Heather summoned a scroll to her with a wave of her hand. Handing it to Fred with deliberate casualness, she said, "Give that to Hadrian for me, would you?" before returning to her little project.

Fred and his George looked at each other before unrolling the parchment. In Heather's neat hand read:


That was all they needed to know before they sighed in tandem and put the scroll away. They had tried to reason with Hadrian on their own, but it hadn't gone anywhere. These Potters were really much too stubborn for their own good. They just hoped the silly fight would be resolved soon.

Meanwhile, they'd put their all into mastering those spells they needed for Operation Toad Cat-astrophe. The bitch would get what was coming to her.


Heather watched with bated breath as time ticked on and the potion remained a clear sapphire colour. When the timer struck a whole three minutes, she grinned and put the fire out. She had finally managed to stabilise her changes to the potion! Now all that was left was to test it before they could proceed with the plan. She was fairly confident that it would work properly, but she couldn't just use it without checking first. Even if it was just on Umbridge.

She wasn't looking forward to testing it, though. Its effects would be...unpleasant, to say the least.

But that needed to wait for tomorrow. She couldn't administer this new potion on herself while she was alone. That was plain idiocy. She would do it tomorrow when Fred and George were around.

In the meantime, she would go over her notes on the blood quill again and make sure her calculations for the spellwork were correct. This was the main part of the plan that couldn't be messed up. Ultimately, all the other things were just part of the distraction so she could get to Umbitch's stash of the nasty quills.

Dolores Umbridge would soon get her comeuppance.


"Yes Miss Potter?" Umbridge asked, smiling that obviously fake smile of hers.

Heather gave her own cheery smile. "But Professor Umbitch- sorry, I meant Umbridge, the Flagrantecurse is cast with the reverse Weltley's Wave movement, not a swish. It's a common mistake, of course." The whole class gasped, whether at her insult or the way she rudely corrected the woman, she didn't know.

Umbridge puffed up in offence, looking even more like a toad. "Detention!" she exclaimed shrilly, "For sheer disrespect towards your betters and reading about Dark Magic!"

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