Authors Note.

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It's been so long. You've probably deleted this story from your library by now *sobs*

Tbh I don't blame you. When I first started writing this story I was really young and I didn't have a very good concept of how to write. I just wrote the story just for it to be there. There was no in-depth plot or anything very interesting. It was your typical damsel in distress story and when I came up with the idea that is not what I intended it to be. I am going to keep this story on hold so I can edit everything to make it 100x better. I want to write something that I can be proud of and I'm not very proud of this. I think it's utter crap. Idk how anybody bared to read it but I apologize. I shall take this editing soon and then afterwards I may continue the story. I'm not going to say that I will and end up not actually continuing but there's a big chance that I will continue it.

On another note this story has reached 1k reads since I've published it and that's a huge accomplishment. Hopefully after I do a bit of re-constructing it will grow even more.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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