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After 4 days.....

Seokjin pov:

He woke up by his alarm as always being all energetic and a little nervous because tomorrow is weekend it means family dinner I just hope my family listens to me calmly and understands me.

After getting ready for school he had his breakfast his little sister is also back from her school trip. He greeted his greeted his parents and sister hyein and had breakfast peacefully with them.

At school

Classes were going as usual it was maths class next and I was waiting for our maths sir when suddenly kiara got up from her seat shouting "look everyone if sir asked about the assignment all of you should say that you'll haven't completed it, in that way he'll have no choice but to give us more time ok. If anyone dare to go against it you know what the consequences will be" She said threatening everyone in the class.

I just rolled my eyes at her drama like every other day lazy assholes couldn't complete there work on time and create drama afterwards. Suddenly the door opened reveling Mr. Chang our maths professor.

"So class everybody completed your assignments I hope you'll because the grades from this assignment will be added to your final report. So one by one come and submit it now today there will be no class, I'll be just grading your assignments today. " Mr. Chang said this and took his seat waiting for students.

I looked over at hobi as I know he too has completed it he gave me a pleading look mouthing "what should we do" I just gave him a assuring nod and got up from my seat.

As soon as I got up the whole class looked at me some where shocked and amazed others were angrily gritting their teeth. Mr. Chang graded my work and said "good job seokjin its excellent as always" Giving me a proud smile.

I thanked him and turned back to go back to my seat. As I turned back I saw some students glaring at me.

Jin looked at hobi and signaled him to go. Hoseok nervously got up and went to the teacher. Mr. Chang after grading him looked at class in confusion "what happen only two students have completed their work what about others". He frustratingly stood up saying " If today you will not submit it, I'm not accepting it afterwards and the students who are submitting it after this class they will get only half marks " As soon as he said this more than half of the class got up with there assignments.

I chuckled internally at their behavior. Mr. Chang being all shocked said "what is this if you'll have completed it then why were you not submitting it. Whatever just come one by one".

The bell rang indicating the class is over  Mr. Chang said " And the rest of the students who have not submitted it detention for you'll. Complete your work in detention room and submit it before evening I'll be in a staffroom. You will not get full marks but something is better than nothing but remember after today I'm not accepting any work tomorrow. So make you complete it before evening ". Saying this he went out of the class.

As soon as he went kiara turned towards me glaring " Kim seokjin you bastard, you didn't understand what I said idiot " She said shouting at me. The whole class was looking at us. I just sighed and went out of the class ignoring her.

Kiara was huffing trying to suppress her anger. Mia her friend tried to calm her "relax kiara don't make a scene we will get back on him". " Definitely he will regret doing this " Kiara said angrily stomping her going out of the class.

Jungkook pov :

Jungkook was in detention room along with his friends and other classmates to complete his assignment "aarrgghh we could have submitted it later if that nerd do not have dare to go against us" Jungkook said frustation visible in his voice.

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