“Oh, I see.” Dan said. “Another human at the petshop said that a bite would be enough.”

“No, that's just a cover story so that humans couldn't hunt my ancestors down.” Devon then chuckled. “It's actually so silly, thinking back.” He said.

“Is there something you want to learn? Maybe I can help you with it today.”

“Maybe reading and writing?” Dan said after some thought. “Yeah, writing and reading.” Devon smiled and slowly stood up. Dan stayed on the floor, watching Devon gather the things Wennie had bought using the credit card.

The pair got lost in a lesson until a knock made Devon stop. He stood up, opened the door and saw it's his mother. She entered the room.

The moment Dan saw her, Dan made himself seem smaller. “Devon,” she paced the floor for bit and then looked at back at her son, “this serial killer is driving me nuts. I need some insight.”

Devon took the file from her and sat down at his desk. He took his time reading through the contents. “The killer is a male vampire?” Devon asked.

“Yes. A very young one at that.”

“No DNA?”

“No DNA.”

Her eyes landed on Dan. “That file I gave you this morning?” She turned to Devon. “Ah, thanks.” She took the file from Devon who held it out for her.

“This vampire matches the description.”

“Are you sure? I've met him before and he isn't what he seems.”

“I'm going to look into his history. I'm so sorry for bothering you, dear. Enjoy the rest of your day.” She said, planting a kiss on Devon's cheek. She grabbed everything from his desk and left.

Devon rubbed the part where she planted a kiss. “There's a killer?” Dan asked creeping around the couch.

“Yes, but don't worry about him, okay?” Dan nodded and crawled back to his spot when Devon went to join him.

“So, this sentence says,” Dan went quiet to read the sentence, “The cat is black.”

“Very good. You learn quickly.” Devon smiled.

Sadly for them, the day turned to night. To end it off Dan drew them a bath while Devon ordered the kitchen staff their dinner and a little something sweet afterwards.

Devon found Dan in the tub, hiding between the bubbles. “Bubbles.” He said, happily. Devon got in the water and blew some bubbles away, making them land in Dan's white locks.

Dan was shocked when Devon asked to turn his back to him. He however calmed down ten times more when strong hands started to massage his back.

“This will help you relax more tonight.” Devon said. “Do you like it?”

“Don't stop, please…” Dan groaned in pleasure. Devon smirked, as his hands traveled to the front of Dan's body. Dan turned to look at him, meeting with another kiss as Dan sat again in his lap.

Devon broke away, looking into Dan's eyes. “We should wash up before the water goes cold.”
Dan smiled, taking the sponge and started to wash Devon's back first which Devon gladly returned the favor.

The pair got out just in time, when a knock was heard yet again. Devon, using his vampiric speed, quickly got his sleepwear, answering the door while Dan got dressed.

Dan saw on the coffee table was their dinner and two small domes on a plate. “What's that?” Dan asked, inspecting the triangular food with mostly cheese on it.

“It's called pizza. It's from another country called Italy.”

“Across the ocean?” Dan asked.


Devon sat down, putting on a movie for them to watch. From the first bite of the pizza, Dan instantly liked it. He ate the pizza like his life depended on it. “Best food ever.” Dan said with a smile.

Devon placed his hand on Dan's belly. “You stuffed yourself pretty good.” He joked.

“It was delicious.” Dan said.

“I hope you have room for something sweet.” Devon teased.


Devon lifts up the silver domes to reveal ice cream, drizzled with chocolate and strawberry syrup and had a chocolate stick stuck on the side.

“This is ice cream.” Devon said. “This is my favorite desert. I hope you'll like it, too.” Dan sipped some juice, before taking the long spoon.

To say the flavor made him melt is an understatement.

“Soft.” He moaned.

Next thing Devon knew, Dan had passed out on his lap. Feeling tired himself, he picked Dan up slowly and treaded to the bed.

Devon made them both comfortable before turning off the lights and yet again he had another dream that he had zero control over and that left him confused and baffled.

 In Love With A Monster©Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora