🎁You Are The Greatest Gift The Universe Has Given Me🌌

Start from the beginning

When Spock, Kirk and Bones teleport down to Platonius in which the Enterprise received a Distress Call for Medical help Anansa stayed on the Bridge when the ship began to shake she walks over to the Navigational controls and slides her fingers alo...

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When Spock, Kirk and Bones teleport down to Platonius in which the Enterprise received a Distress Call for Medical help Anansa stayed on the Bridge when the ship began to shake she walks over to the Navigational controls and slides her fingers along the edge of it making it so they can at least leave orbit cause no one would leave the Landing Party on the planet "thank you Dove"  Scotty says she smiles in reply then leaves the Bridge.... Parmen became upset when he found that he could not control Spock and wondered if someone was protecting him from his powers "who is it!?!"  he asks "excuse me!?!"  Spock asks "who is protecting you!?! no one has ever been able to fight my powers like you have!"  Parmen asks Spock raises a eyebrow at him Parmen's wife Philana also seemed upset by this "no matter at least I still have your Captain"  Parmen says then he continues to make Kirk do whatever he wished "their powers aren't natural I'm not sure where they come from but much like Charlie they were not born with them"  Spock hears Anansa say into his mind "was it you!?!"  he asks "I do believe you still carry around your necklace"  she replies he smiles it is true he does take his necklace with him everywhere he goes he has ever since she made it for him perhaps it is the love she poured into it as she made it for as far as he knows no stone or metal from Vulcan has such capabilities as to protect him from mind control "I'm sorry I cannot stop them from using James if I do I fear even more of our friends would be used in such a way or worse"  she whispers with a sorrowful tone "I understand and I'm sure the Captian will forgive you"  he replies he feels her smile and his body becomes even warmer from the "sight" of it.... Anansa allows herself to be teleported down to the planet with Uhura and Christine she even allows the "masters" of the planet to choose her dress a dress she hated but wore anyway even though the fabric made her very itchy when Spock, Bones, Kirk and a native to the planet named Alexander see them beam in front of them Anansa says softly "we'll be ok I'm guessing we're a new addition to the "entertainment".."  she winks at Alexander who blushes then she allows his "masters" to walk her to a different room.... when Spock sees Anansa again he couldn't help but raise a eyebrow at the dress she was wearing "I know! I hate it! and I think I'm allergic to the fabric or something in it for it's very itchy!"  she tells him he looks at her with sad eyes "well at least it isn't a shiny nightdress!"  she teases looking over at the other two Uhura scoffs with a smile and nudges her shoulder Anansa walks over to Spock and says as she plays with the sleeves of his outfit "now.... let's talk about your shimmering Greek Peter Pan outfit!"  Kirk chuckles Spock rolls his eyes "you shouldn't laugh Captain you look like a caveman!"  she says with a smirk Kirk bursts out laughing "but at least you two finally know what wearing the female Starfleet uniform is like"  she says as she lightly pulls on the lower half of Spock's outfit "it's very freeing!"  Kirk says "only if your not wearing any underwear!"  she replies he laughs Spock rises a eyebrow at her "what was it!?"  she asks Spock who replies "Kironide"  she nods then says "that'll take some time to flow through your digestive system or perhaps it takes adjustment within the body in other words the more they ate the more tolerant their bodies became to the new change which allowed them to gain their powers, which of course they're abusing"  he nods just then they hear laughter and a part of the wall of the room they are in slides open and the people behind it are seen clapping all but Bones of course who was forced to sit with them Parmen stands and raises his arms and those around him become quiet then he says "fellow Academicians 2,500 years ago a brand of hearty vagabonds arrived on this barren, rough-hewn planet days of desperate hardship, of backbreaking toil.... and then a divine providence graced our genius and our dedication with the power of powers, and through it, our every need instantly materialized we thereupon determined to form a utopian brotherhood this night is indeed a festive occasion, for tonight, we welcome into that brotherhood its first new member"  the people around him clap as he waves his hand towards Bones who was forced to sit by him "not yet, Parmen! you have to convince the doctor first"  Kirk says "they'll never do it, Jim"  Bones replies as Parmen sits down "doctor, please you have destroyed the festive mood of the ladies we must recapture it at once I know what would be better then a serenade from the tough to crack Vulcan"  Parmen says Anansa raises her eyebrow at Spock he hides a smile Parmen claps thinking he's finally going to be able to get Spock to do what he wishes but once again it doesn't work he is however able to force two of the women over to one of the benches Anansa walks over to Alexander who was holding a lute and asks "my I see that, please!?"  Alexander looks at her with a awed expression on his face and nods as he hands the lute to her "thank you"  she says softly then she kisses his cheek and he blushes a deep crimson "oh dear, his first kiss!"  Spock hears Anansa say into his mind and he hides a smile "so, what will you serenade me with Mr. Spock!?!"  she coos into his mind as she walks over to the where Uhura and Christine sit and sits beside Uhura then starts playing the lute Spock walks over to where she sits and kneels before her then starts singing "take care, young ladies and value your wine be watchful of young men in there velvet prime deeply they'll swallow from your finest kegs then swiftly be gone leaving bitter dregs ah, ah, bitter dregs with smiling words and tender touch man offers little and asks for so much he loves in the breathless excitement of the night then leaves with your treasure in cold morning light ah, ah.... in cold morning light"  Anansa says into his mind with a smile in her tone "that sounds more like Kirk"  he hides a smile Uhura who heard her in her mind as well hides a chuckle "be warned they may make us both pay for that I do believe Parmesan thinks I'm the reason he had no control over you all this time because you actually listened to me or maybe the lute" Anansa says into Spock's mind Uhura once again hides a chuckle (just in case you're wondering only people Anansa's closest to can hear her speak to someone within their mind even if she isn't speaking to them directly but they have to be close enough to her to hear those words it's kind of like hearing a normal whispered conversation outside the mind) "thank you Mr. Spock"  Anansa says out loud as the Platonians clap "you're welcome"  Spock replies as he stands up....

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