"I just... I feel like I know where my place is, and it's next to Harry," Addie explains, her words coming out slowly as she tries to sift through her thoughts. "But sometimes I lose him. Yet we always come crashing back together."

Tara gazed at Addie for a few moments, analyzing her face and taking in her words. Behind her brown eyes, Tara formed her judgments and then started to say, "The way I see it?"

Addie nodded, prompting her to continue.

"You and Harry's relationship is like waves crashing on the shore. It's a constant back and forth, a pull and push."

Smiling softly, Addie nodded. She liked that metaphor. She knew that was what it was like. She would always come back to Harry the way the water always returned to sand.

Tara's eyebrows pulled down as she continued, "But that's not what love is. It's not precarious, not something you sometimes have and other times don't. Real love is stable. It's constant. It's always there."

Addie's heart sank to the ground, fracturing into a million shards.

"Well fuck," Addie said before she could think the words through.

Tara reached forward, letting go of her fork and instead grasping Addie's hand. "As a person who loves you unconditionally and just wants to see you happy..." She inhaled and exhaled as she said, "I really hope you figure things out with Harry. And find that stability with him. But if you don't, well then, maybe it's time to reconsider."

Addie's face fell, and she closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply. "I don't want to lose him."

"Then find a way to always have him. Don't let your love be precarious, Addie."


Addie showed up to the release party in a little black dress, per Zayn's personal request because he just wanted to mess with Niall a little bit more.

(Addie had to admit she was probably a little too excited to hear Niall answer questions about Little Black Dress.)

It was hosted at Electric Lady Studios, which was one of the only studios they'd recorded the album in, since most of it was done in hotel rooms. They'd worked in there mostly just because it was Addie's favorite studio and they'd recorded 'Strong' and 'Alive' with her there.

Paparazzi were waiting outside, as the five members of One Direction had arrived ahead of Addie, along with most of the invitees.

The lights flashed as she walked past, and they shouted things at her.

For once, a girl yelled, "You look amazing, Adelaide!"

Addie paused for a moment, about to cross the doorway, and she glanced back at the person who'd shouted that. The girl- or young woman was more accurate, as she seemed to be in her early twenties, was wearing a Take Me Home tour shirt, which meant she was obviously here for One Direction.

Her brain malfunctioned for a moment, trying to associate the two concepts. A young woman had complimented her. And she was a Directioner.

Had she been sarcastic?


Her face was beaming up at Addie as if she'd done some great thing for her.

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