morning sickness

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"Good morning, my love," Scarlett whispered in your ear before she kissed your forehead softly.

You opened your tired eyes to see Scarlett staring at you with stars in her eyes.

"Good morning. What time is it?" You asked.

"A little after eight."

You whined when you realized that it was still quite early.

With how terrible pregnancy has been making you feel so far, all you wanted to do was curl up under the covers and sleep for as long as you possibly could.

"I was thinking of making breakfast. If you feel up to it, that is." She said as she caressed your cheek. "You need to eat."

"I know. I'm just not sure if I feel good enough to eat." You sighed.

"How about just a little something? It doesn't have to be anything huge. How about some eggs? Or some toast?"

You sat up against the pillows, feeling your stomach grumble in response.

But not in a good way.

Not because you were hungry or because the foods she was mentioning sounded delicious.

It was actually because you had caught a whiff of her perfume that lingered on her skin that she put on after the shower she had just a little while ago.

It was a strong scent, one that you usually found comfort in but today, it made your stomach turn.

"I could even just get you some fruit or even just some hard candy. I hear that's good to eat when you don't feel well during pregnancy."

Before you could reply, your stomach turned and you hurried across the room and into the bathroom.

You opened the toilet lid and threw up as Scarlett followed you into the bathroom.

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry." She quietly spoke as she knelt on the floor behind you.

"It's alright." You mumbled. "It's just the smell of your perfume."

She felt guilty upon realizing that the smell was what had triggered you being so sick.

"Perhaps I should take another shower." She joked.

You chuckled weakly before you continued to vomit.

"It's alright, baby. Let it out."

She held your hair back as you continued to throw up before she began to caress your back with one of her hands, knowing you needed as much comfort as possible.

You groaned when you finished, the taste that lingered on your tongue made the nausea linger as you leaned back against Scarlett.

"Can I do anything to help?" She asked as she kissed your head.

"I honestly just want to get back to sleep." You quietly answered. "I'll try to eat somethin later but I feel too sick right now. I just want to rest."

She sighed as she played with your hair, trying to soothe you as you closed your eyes and waited to see if your stomach would settle some more.

It took a few minutes before it faded away, though you almost got sick a couple more times before that.

You looked at Scarlett with tired eyes.

She was forcing a smile, you could see the guilt behind it.

"Don't feel bad, baby. Everything makes me nauseous."

"I know. But from here on out, I won't wear perfume until your morning sickness passes. Just so I don't make you feel worse."

You stood up slowly as she flushed the toilet.

"You don't make me feel worse. Certain things do make me feel sick but trust me, it's not you. You've been so amazing so far and you make everything better. Our baby is going to be so lucky."

She smiled as she kissed your stomach softly and then your temple.

You brushed your teeth before stepping out of the bathroom as she followed right behind you, her hand gently resting on the small of your back with every step that you took.

You laid back down and she tucked you in before laying beside you.

"I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too." You mumbled.

"I wasn't talking to you, my love. I was talking to the actual baby." She said as she rubbed your stomach, making you playfully hit her arm. "I love you too though. Very much."

"I love you too, and I love our baby as well... even if I hate being pregnant so far."

She chuckled as she brushed her fingers through your hair.

"Get some more sleep, baby. I'll be right here if you need anything." She promised as she watched you drift back off to sleep.

Scarlett Johansson - pregnancy series (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now