17, room mates

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Walking into the Gryffindor common room for the first time since she had died was an incredible experience; Charlotte had almost forgotten how beautifully comforting the room was, and she had no idea just how much she had missed it

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Walking into the Gryffindor common room for the first time since she had died was an incredible experience; Charlotte had almost forgotten how beautifully comforting the room was, and she had no idea just how much she had missed it.

"Hey Charlie," Harry smiled, making his way over to his girlfriend.

"Hey Harry," she said softly, though the lack of nickname seemed to catch him off guard. He observed her curiously, he had no idea where she stood with him, whether she was angry or upset, or whether she was okay with everything.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," she nodded, "I was actually planning on sorting through some of my things in my dorm..."

"That's okay," he said quickly, "when you're done, can we talk? About, y'know...everything?"

"Yeah," she bit her lip nervously, giving him a quick goodbye before she left for her dorms. The conversation led to a nervous pit building in her stomach, and she pushed open her dormitory with sigh.

She almost jumped out of her skin when she saw two random girls sitting down chatting with Hermione, though she quickly remembered one was Halle Black, however, she didn't know who the other girl was.

"Charlotte!" Hermione exclaimed, waving the girl over. "Merlin, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I know, right! I've been with Theo and Alex!" She chuckled.

"I feel like we've met...but also haven't?" Halle said, "maybe the stress of going to a new school is getting to me."

"You and I both, we're Jasmine and Halle, you know that though, right?" The ginger girl said. "You're the girl who's dog that is!"

"Coco's mine," Charlie laughed, "nice to meet you guys properly, though. You came from Beauxbatons, didn't you?"

"Yeah! We got kicked out..."

Lottie's eyes widened at the realisation that the two girls most likely knew Kaycie, or at least knew who she was. "Did you guys know Kaycie Lloyd? She was the year above us."

"The girl that took her life?" Jasmine asked curiously, turning to Halle, and asking in French, "that is the nice way of saying it in English, right?"

Halle nodded at her friend, "the one with black hair, pretty makeup, didn't she date Francesca at one point, too?"

"Yeah, that's her," Lottie nodded.

"How'd you know her?" Jasmine asked, moving the pillows on her bed around.

"We grew up together," Charlotte shrugged, opening her trunk and reaching down for some tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie. "How are you guys finding Hogwarts?"

"We like it so far," Jasmine grinned, "everyone seemed kind of gloomy for a while, especially that Harry guy. Do you know him?"

"He's my boyfriend," Lottie chuckled, her memory washing back to the fact she was supposed to be meeting him, "he's been grumpy lately, though."

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