Chapter XI: My Resolve! [PART II]

Start from the beginning

"I'm working," Jude replied in his deep voice without looking up from the desk, "Come back later."

"Okay..." Lucy replied with a sad face, looking down at the riceball.

"I'll leave it here, then!" She continued with a smile, placing the rice ball on his desk. "You can eat it later!" with a smile.

"Guess what? Guess what? Today is..." Lucy began but was interrupted, "Eh?!" She closed her eyes and flinched back as the rice ball was thrown to the ground behind her. 

"Did you not hear me?!" asked Jude angrily; he stood up and stared at Lucy.

"I-I'm sorry..." Lucy whimpered. She was trying to hold her emotions in as she turned around and walked towards her rice ball. She stopped for a moment and turned slightly, "U-Umm..."

"You're being a pest, Lucy!" interrupted Jude angrily, "Our house chef can prepare my food! If you have time to waste like this, study about leadership instead! Do I make myself clear? Then leave!" He continued while pointing at the door.

Ignoring the fact that he left his daughter in tears, she picked up her broken rice ball and ran out of the room crying.

'Today is...' She thought,' Today is my birthday...' her voice echoed as she ran out of the room towards the hall.

However, unfortunately, she did not hear the loud voice of a slap coming from Jude's room.


Lucy was now standing on a hill that looked down on the Heartfillia Konzern. Her expression showed concern as she looked around the Konzern.

"Home, huh?" Lucy said as she looked around the Konzern, walking towards the mansion.

The Konzern's headquarters was the Heartfilia Residence, a large mansion housing Jude Heartfilia and his family. The building sat on a vast, grassy plain, crossed by a series of roads, with some buildings being placed here and there near them.

The Heartfilia Residence appears to consist of two separate buildings, placed near a group of smaller constructions and linked together by a garden, with the front one acting as an entry of sort for the one sitting behind it. Only this first building has been clearly shown: it seems to consist of a primary structure flanked by two minor wings protruding upwards, creating a square space before the entrance itself, which sits in the centre of the facade, is flanked by two slender cylindrical towers with pointed tiled roofs, their walls adorned by elongated, hollow windows with arched tops. 

Two balconies appear to sit one above the other between such towers, topping the main door, and sitting on the highest one's summit is another, more prominent and rectangular tower, sporting a high, pyramid-shaped tiled roof held up by pillars, which, on its top part, bears more, smaller pillars, holding up the tiled spire topping the whole structure. The roof of the central section is similarly tiled and pitched, but the windows adorning its front walls are shown to be rectangular and sport glasses. 

While the wing right from the entrance hasn't been adequately shown, it is likely similar to the one sitting to the left: this seems to be split into two parts, with the one adjacent to the main structure possessing features identical to it, sporting rectangular windows and being topped by a pitched tiled roof; the one to the latter's right, however, is noticeably shorter in height, bears a large, decorative double door, occupying most of its outermost face, and two towers adorning the top of the very same face, being covered in many small arrowslits and growing larger near their top part, ending in pyramid-shaped tiled roofs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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