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 pov - Gabrielle

i was sitting in my room sitting with my mafia and we were talking and suddenly my phone started to ring and i picked up the phone and saw it was one of isabel's bodyguard i picked up the phone and from the other side a worried tone came and said ' sir madam has been kidnapped we couldn't do anything every thing came so suddenly ' just as he was speaking my blood ran cold and i solemnly asked ' WHO DID THIS ! and his voice trembled and just with a trembling voice he said' Damien knight he came by himself to kidnap her ' and with just that i cut the call and started making calls with my sons and the said they will take care of this as i sat down my wife Adalina came to me and reassured me that she will be fine i knew that she was saying just to calm me down but from the inside she was more panicked than me 

two days have been gone by and we are not able to find her i was getting impatient by the each second passing by it was nerve wrecking my mind was about to explode isabel was my most precious  daughter i loved her more than any other i just wanted my daughter back

pov - isabel 

just i was opening my eyes i was in a beautiful room and as i started to get up my both hands were tied to the sides of bed with which i could only sit and roam around the room i had a slight headache and just i was about to stand up and go to drink water a maid came in and handed me a glass of lime soda and said that' this may help you with your headache ' as i drank it she hurriedly went out of the room i was sitting there alone for about 2 hours and again another maid came inside the room with a pair of clothes and said 'mam please wear this sir would like to meet you ' i said get out ina forcefull manner and she scurried away from my room just as i was about to sit on the bed the mysterious man with those piercing blue eyes came in the  room with a blank expression on his face he said me to sit down i didn't followed him and with same tone he again repeated his words but again i didn't follow it now he was starting to get irritated and i enjoyed it and i asked him ' why did you bring me here what do you want ' he smirked god! his smirk was also so beautiful his hair was silky and black he said 'fiesty i like your attitude ' but it won't work with me just sit down i want to talk to you as i sat down whatever he said made my mind dumbfounded ' YOUR Father is a killer he killed my dad just for power'

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