Jimin - I think I got your point hyung. After the recording will be done me and the boys will went to the backstage to get the rest of the girls that are kept held there and will bring them to the parking lot as well.

Namjoon - Exactly and Jimin and Jun Kyu it will be you both who will calm those girls down. They will be panicking and will be scared to say the very least and it will be good if you both handle that situation. And Hyunsuk and Beomgyu it will be your responsibility to handle the guards there.

Yoongi - There will be *typed something on the laptop* 10 to 15 guards alloted at the backstage. You both have to careful.

Hyunsuk - Don't worry about us hyung. We will handle them.

Taehyung - If you face any problem then just say "black" one of us will be there to help you guys out.

Beomgyu nodded and said

Beomgyu - We will keep that in mind hyung.

Namjoon - Okay then after everyone comes out to the parking lot, Yoongi hyung will retrieve all the audios and video footages and I want you and Yoshi to upload those on the big screens that are placed at the busy places of South Korea. The people should also know what their beloved politicians, actors, actresses are doing.

Saying that he smirked causing the whole room to filled with evil laughs and chuckles. They all thought about the reactions the high society people will have on their faces when they will see that one of their darkest secrets have been leaked and they wouldn't even know who was the one doing it.

[Time Skip]
Three black SUV vans have been waiting in an alleyway from 5:30 pm waiting for someone's command to enter the Golden Holm Palace.

During 5:40 the leader got a call and soon a person said through the ear piece attached to him.

Suga - RM start the mission.

RM - Okay Suga.

It was Namjoon and Yoongi talking through the ear piece. Right after the meeting was over Yoongi and Namjoon took it upon themselves to contact Hwan Woo and vaguely told him about their mission.

At first the owner was a little worried about the residents staying at the palace for the night but when got threatened to see his deepest secrets revealed to the public by Yoongi, he agreed instantly.

Namjoon look back at the boys and nodded causing Taehyung to call Seokjin and Jimin and told them

Taehyung - Suga have gave us the signal.

Seokjin / Jimin - Okay. / Got it.

With that the mission started. All the boys got out of the vans while fixing their masks as to not get recognised to the media and press immediately.

After wishing luck to Jimin, Hyunsuk, Jun Kyu and Beomgyu, Namjoon and Seokjin lead the rest towards the back side of fo the palace as they were going to enter from there.

Jimin, on the other hand, lead the other three boys towards the entrace of the palace where many people have already gathered up so that they could get at least one glimpse at their favourites and the high class people were entering the palace one by one while some wave at the public while some completely ignore their existence all together.

This scene infront of him made Jimin shook his head and scoff seeing the interaction and in his mind he thought

Jimin (in mind) - Very soon when your secrets will be revealed to the public, you all will only come begging these same people for their trust and help which at that time they won't give you.

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