Chapter 1: First of September

Começar do início

    "Labor of love isn't exactly what I'd call it." Alexander tittered, Nicolai chucking the hat square in his face, "Git." she grumbled, before kicking her feet up to rest on his knees, though her legs had been too short that they were sliding off rather slowly.

    He flashed her a mocking smile, before throwing her legs off, making her topple sideways on her seat and onto the floor, Florence holding back her laugh at the expense of her friend.

    "Traitor!" Nicolai declared as a giggle escaped her lips.

    Unlike any other friend group, there was hardly any happenings from the summer break to discuss amongst them, seeing as they had spent most of it in each other's houses or writing dutifully to each other on the days that they were apart. Alexander, Florence and Nicolai had been inseparable since their first year, and nothing was going to change the fact any time soon.

    Despite the lack of news, the first half of the train ride was still spent in endless chatter, mostly of their expectations for the new school year, as well as the looming terror that was the OWL exams. After some time, the two watched as Alexander checked his watch and rose from his seat, "Where are you going?" Florence inquired, as he fumbled around to fasten his Prefect pin on his regular clothing, "I got an owl the other day, said Prefects have to report to the Head Boy and Girl at some point on the train, something about special instructions. Think it's got something to do with the whole Sirius Black fiasco."

    It had been on every paper since the start of the summer, and rightfully so, as the fugitive in mention was said to be notoriously dangerous, especially being the only person known to ever successfully escape the holdings of the Azkaban prison. Florence's mother had spent a good portion of their week-long sleepover cautioning them of the changes that it would bring to Hogwarts, primarily the presence of the Dementors that have been stationed in the school by the decree of the Ministry, despite it being a rather threatening creature that had no business being around students who were yet to be taught how to defend themselves from it.

    Florence and Nicolai watched as Alexander disappeared into the hallway, closing the compartment door behind him, and much to their surprise, scurried back inside after a few short seconds. Nicolai frowned, opening her mouth to question such unusual behavior when a familiar blonde girl passed right in front of their compartment, Alexander's blue eyes trailing her until she was out of eyeshot. This made both her and Florence laugh as his cheeks flushed, growing more flustered than he had already been.

    "Do shut up." he scoffed, nervously fiddling with his prefect pin once more and smoothening his hair, Florence looking up at him, the teasing look on her face unwavering, "Somebody has a little crush." she mused, earning yet another hearty laugh from Nicolai, "Yeah, he might as well be snow in love with fire, because that is not happening."

    "That's encouraging." Xander drawled sarcastically, "I'm glad you have so much confidence in me, dear friend." he opened the compartment door once more, "I'll see you two later."

    "He's gonna make a great Prefect." Florence said, as soon as the door shut and their friend had walked out of their line of sight, Nicolai flopping back against the backrest of her seat, "I don't doubt that for a second. It's nice to have someone in the inside, should we need to get out of things."

    Florence frowned, "We?"

    Nicolai shrugged, "Yeah, we. Maybe you'd want to skip a few classes with me? Hang out in the kitchens, go back to our dorm room to sleep a little bit more..." she chuckled, "You've been a model student this whole time, it should be high time for you to get into some mischief."

    "Or maybe not?" she pointed out, "It's not a rite of passage. Besides, we'll be too busy with our O.W.Ls this year, we can't afford to waste any of our time sitting in bloody detention."

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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