"But, Lila told me-," Alya started, but this time Marinette cut her off.

"Of course! I should have known Lila the Liar was behind this!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms.

"Look, it doesn't matter what Lila said, because she was wrong. I just wanted to let you guys know so that there wasn't that awful tension between the three of us." I said quickly, hoping to steer the conversation back on track.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Alya said, sheepishly, and I smiled.

"Don't sweat it, I get it. I've been that way with some of my friends back home too; besides, I wouldn't want to get in between Marinette and Adrien anyway."

Alya grinned, poking Marinette in the ribs, who now was a vibrant shade of red.

"How, er, how did you know?" She muttered, twisting a strand of loose hair around her finger.

I raised my eyebrows. Was she serious? It was obvious.

"Girl, it's pretty obvious. I'm surprised Adrien hasn't figured it out already," Alya laughed, and I grinned at the two of them. I was glad that we'd been able to sort everything out.

"Wait, wait, wait. If you don't like Adrien, then who do you like?" Marinette asked, trying to change the subject.

Thanks to years of going to public school in America, I'd mastered the art of a poker face for these questions. Without the faintest trace of a blush or eager smile, I simply responded "I'm not sure. I'm not really looking for a relationship right now..." A lie.

I trailed off as the bell rang. Glancing at the clock mounted above the door, I realized we had two minutes to get to class before we were counted tardy.

"We should get to class," I finished, and Alya rolled her eyes.

"Okay, and how about on the way, you finish telling us about why you aren't looking for a relationship," she teased, and I smirked.

"Or, we could get to class before I end up with another early-morning DH," Marinette giggled, but I could already tell that the two girls wouldn't back off the subject anytime soon.


"Good morning class, today I'd like everyone to group up in pairs of three or four. Since everyone has worked so hard the past few weeks on their paintings, I decided we could all use a break before we started our next section, which will be embroidery, and have a little bit of fun!"

In front of the class, my art teacher held up a camera, gesturing to the tub of similar cameras, each a different color. Immediately, my eyes locked on the bright yellow one, glistening like sunlight on top of a greenish one.

"By now, all of you are experts on still life, but what about life in general? This week, we will be focusing on the movement of life, and I want you and your groups to work together and make a video to present to the class on Friday. The rubric and instructional guidelines are posted in your coursework, so please take the next few moments to look them over after you find your group." My teacher explained, before clapping twice to signify that we could get up and move around the class.

First things first, I grabbed that beautiful camera and then looked around for the only friend I had in the class. I swear, if he was absent, I was gonna flip a table.

"Hey Luka, wanna be in a group?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Sure, you can be in a group with me and Nathanial," He smiled, and I grinned, snapping his picture. After pressing the wrong button three times, I finally figured out how to view the picture. Luka was in the middle of turning his head, and the angle made his features slightly distorted. It was a very ugly shot.

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