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You have often heard about Cupid in stories or movies. Yes yes, The same little child who shoots arrows of love into people's hearts.. It is said that Cupid makes love stories.But this story is about Cupid himself or about two Cupids. But who are these Cupids. Usually in stories Cupid is a boy. But in this story Cupid is a beloved or a girl.So let's meet our two Cupids and know how they came to be Cupids.So our cupids are Sophia and Naina. So first of all let us know about Sophia.Sophia's father was a successful businessman, one day when he went to London for his work, he heard a girl singing on the street and Sophia's mother was there.When Pratap Rao saw Antra, he fell in love with Antra at first sight, and he continued meeting Antra for several days and one day he proposed Antra for marriage.Antra said she wanted to get married because somehow she also liked Pratap, and then what happened to Antra was that she knew no one except her father, so both of them got married with her father's permission.Antra's father died two years after their marriage. Both Antra and Pratap were very fond of each other.They both loved their children very much but despite being married for 6 years, they did not save any of their own. That's why the other person remained very sad and Pratap could not see the sadness.That's why he went to another orphanage, where he met many children and played with them, and then he bought gifts, clothes and toys for those children.All the survivors of our orphanage are like our children for them. One day after meeting the children, both of them when they get orphaned, suddenly they become unconscious and when they take them to the hospital then doctor. He came and said congratulations, your wife is pregnant.Pratap was overjoyed after hearing this. He is very happy. And after a few months, a beautiful and Naughty daughter was born to them, whom they named Sophia. Whenever both of them go to orphanage, Whenever they go to orphanage, they take Sophia with them. On the day Sophia was born, there was another child in the orphanage whose name the owner of the orphanage had named Naina.She was a newborn baby who was raised in an orphanage. Pratap and antra celebrate Sophia's birthday every year in the orphanage and not just Sophia's but the birthday of all the children.Sophia's parents were very rich and they sent Sophia along with the orphanage children to study in the same school where Sophia and Naina grew up together. And also became very good friends. Naina And Sophia used to play, read and have fun with me. Sophia's parents had done this with their children so that the children would never feel like their parents.Sophia's life was going on very well. But fate probably did not accept her happiness. When Sophia and her parents celebrated Sophia's 7th birthday, they became orphans.Like every year, everything was going perfectly, but somewhere something went wrong. When they were going back home, their car met with an accident.Sophie's parents died in that accident. But Sophie was saved. That one accident took away everything from her. It was as if Sophie's life had completely changed.When Meenakshi, the owner of that orphanage, came to know about their accident, Then she adopted Sophia in orphanage. After her accident, she started feeling quite sad. But the one who took care of her the most was her best friend Naina.The entire orphanage was deeply saddened by the death of Sophia's parents. At that time, naina took care of Sophia. took care of Sophia in the same way as her parents took care of the children of the orphanage. Naina never let Sophia feel sad. She always stayed with Sophia near her. Gradually everything started getting better. They started going to school together again.And like before, Sophie started studying again. Everything started happening as before, they all played and studied together. Sophie and Naina used to go with Meenakshi to meet Sophie's parents Grave every few months.

Part two is coming soon.

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