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1. From now on I am rping only on disc
2. No weird shit and no homophobic, trans-phobic, or rascist assholes in this book please.
3. Don't make me do all the work in the rp it pisses me off tbh, basically try to match the amount of writing i have. I understand you can't always do that but if I give you a paragraph for a starter don't give me 5-6 lines. It makes me think you're not putting in effort.
4. Have decent grammar and spelling, I understand spelling mistakes because I make them all the time along with grammar mistakes but I still have to be able to read what your saying.
5. Be able to write at least 5 - 45 lines.
6. Be kind, if you give me an attitude so will I. If you're going to be a bitch- SO WILL I. It goes both ways, treat others how you want to be treated
7. Don't spam me. I hate it, if I don't respond after a week THEN you can text me I was most likely busy. You can message me after three days or a week (pass word: your fav color)
8. Don't be over just makes me uncomfy. If you got an issue with it, don't rp with me. Simple as that okay?

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