"Hmm and the dealer?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

" He is an Asian dealer of drugs and firearms." Trevor, one of his security team leaders said.

" Name?"

" Michael Ru"

" I know him. He won't meddle in my business"

" Do we take him as well?" Enzo asked.

" No need but stay alert"

"Waiting for your orders, sir" Trevor said.

"Hmm deploy team one and five to the locations" he said after a moment's silence.

" Yes sir"

" I don't want many people on this so keep it quiet. " he warned.

"Sir, do we-"

"No, I'll be there myself," he said.

Enzo nodded firmly and continued reporting to him.

" And Sir, I think they're slowly catching up to us. The sudden disappearance of Dino and Alvaro made them suspicious. Someone came looking for them in the clubs downtown."

" One more reason to hurry the fuck up and get it over with then." he shrugged.

"Yes, sir," They said in unison.

They talked a bit more on the plan and then stood up to leave.

When all the cars drove past the gates and the serenity fell over the surroundings once again he sighed and went inside.

He slowly walked to his room, hearing the soft voices from the inside grow louder.

Upon reaching inside, a small smile broke onto his lips. His little girlfriend was curled up in a ball with a blanket tightly wrapped around her. Only her nose and chin were out. Something was being played on his laptop with a low volume.

He advanced towards her petite frame and peeked at what she was watching and shook his head with a little laugh.

"Oh baby" He shut it off and put it on the table and picked her up.

He was carrying her to the bed when she stirred in her sleep.

Yawning continuously and with barely open eyes, she snuggled closer to his warm chest and asked,
"How...... did your..... meeting..... go?"

"It was okay" he gently put her down and unwrapped the blanket to cover her properly in layers while she lay there sprawled like a starfish on the whole bed.

"Do it quickly, I'm cold, Zai" she whined.

He drank a glass of water before coming and lying down next to her. She was almost asleep when she felt his hand snake around her waist and pull her back.
She turned around sleepily and put her head on his chest and started playing with his hair because no matter how much he denies it, she knows he loves it when she does that.

"Who were those people?" She asked a while later.

"They work for me," he answered.

" Was it really urgent? Like a really really big thing?" She felt sleepiness fading into the back of her head with all those questions surfacing in her mind.

" Hmm sort of" He saw where this was going but didn't feel like stopping her. Might as well prepare her sooner than to struggle later.

" Zai?" She said slowly, propping her chin on his chest and met his eyes.

He was all too familiar with that look. The one where she looks at him like he is a fragile piece of glass and it makes him feel weak and soft.

" Are you in trouble? Like any kind of trouble?" She asked so innocently that his heart melted into a puddle.

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