000. you looked at me (i knew it)

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now playing ... you are in love (taylor swift)
(third person pov)

LUKE CASTELLAN had met Melody Nakamura when he was sixteen. He was seventeen when he had come to the long awaited conclusion that it was inevitable he would fall for her. It had started slowly, unnoticeably, he couldn't exactly pin point the moment it happened, but when it did it hit him like a truck.

Melody had been claimed by Euterpe practically the moment she stepped through the barrier of camp, well that was sorta an exaggeration, in reality she was claimed at the camp fire. But it wasn't much of a stretch! The daughter of Euterpe had only arrived with her sister a couple hours before the camp fire!

In the year (and a half!) that Melody had attended camp, she had grown incredibly attached to Luke Castellan. And he grew equally, if not more, attached to her.

"Luke! Are you even listening to me?" She asked him, the moon glistening in her eyes, her face scrunched up in a playful way, Luke thought she reminded him of a disappointed mother. Or he guessed, he wouldn't really know.

He snapped himself out of his daze, "Of course i was listening!" She didn't seem to believe him as she raised her sculpted eyebrow, "Serious! I pay attention!"

She lightly scoffed, "Yeah, right." A low chuckle escaped her lips as she stood from her seat, echoing the fields around that circled the lake. "I'm getting kinda tired, same thing tomorrow?"

He nodded, "You know it, gorgeous." She lightly smiled, reaching her hand out to help him up but luke had a better idea.

He smirked as he held onto her hand, before he pulled her down. It seemed he made a miscalculation (what a surprise!...note the sarcasm) as the two of them tumbled onto the ground beneath them only narrowly missing the lake. It took a second but soon they fell into dying laughter, shutting themselves up when they remembered the harpies that like to eat children.

"Gods, remind me to never trust you again, Luke." Melody laughed as she laid on her back, facing up towards the stars.

She continued to watch the stars above for another moment, but luke was only looking at her, "No promises, Mel."

⇘ : : @ redvelvetwhcre speaks ¡! ]

this is going to be one of the only chapters that aren't in first person, and for the sole purpose of future irony


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