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Sebastian point of view

After convincing my mistress to stay home, she fell asleep on me again. I fear she may be sick. She woke up later to celebrate my birthday with cake and a very thoughtful gift, but I made her go back to bed right after.

Watching her sleep is very calming, but tonight her sleep seems much more restless. Tossing and turning every few minutes, I climb into the bed with her so she will stop. Her body is warm and she looks pale, as if she is afraid of something. She groans softly, in pain and I instantly feel the need to help her.

There is nothing I can do for her though, which makes me feel even worse. Her groaning continues until she wakes again. I smile softly at her and try comforting her. She sits up slowly, looking sicker than before.

"Sebastian..." she whispers, "I feel horrible." I nod and help her up. Without diagnosis I can't give her any medication, but she seems to know more about herself than I do these days. She gets up slowly and stumbles to the bathroom, throwing up.

I rush to her side and comfort her. She almost instantly starts crying and I hold her close, stroking her hair and rubbing her back.

"Shhh....shhhh....it's going to be okay..." I say softly and soothingly in her ear. Her crying calms and she sniffles.

"I want to go to the hospital...please." she says. I nod and pick her up. I don't want to argue when she looks so horrible. I want to help her and this is what she wants.

I put her in the car and bring her to the hospital, painfully listening to her moans of agony the entire way. As I admit her into the hospital, I look around to make sure nobody looks suspicious and my love is safe. Her soft groans have turned to sobs by now and a doctor comes to get her.

I wait outside as they do the check up since I know how Ciel would try and guilt me into helping her escape the doctors, even if it was her idea to come here. I sit in the waiting room and tap my fingers on my leg impatiently. After a couple hours, I feel my eye start to twitch and I get up, stomping down the hall and bursting into the hospital room.

The doctors and nurses all turn, shocked at the sudden entrance. I growl softly, glaring at them. They all look a bit confused as they look me up and down.

"What's wrong with her? Tell me now. She's my fiancée." I bark at them. They all seem to jump and they move aside, handing me a clip board and granting me access to Ciel. She looks more at peace now and it's unnerving to me.

I read the clip board and look at all the pain medication they gave her. I nod slowly and keep reading until one word catches my eye. Pregnant. I stop immediately and read the sentence it was in. The patient is experiencing symptoms of pregnancy and after doing a background check and a couple tests, we have concluded the patient to be pregnant with a 2 week old baby.

I look at Ciel, awestruck. She seems to be asleep so I am sure to be quiet as I turn to the doctors for confirmation. They all smile at me and gesture to her.

"You're Sebastian Michaelis, right?" One asks. I nod slowly and look at them, questioningly. "Congratulations, you're a father." The doctor concludes.

I stare at them, completely shocked. I then look at the paper and Ciel. It hit me hard like never before. I'm a father.

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