An Evening in the Snow: Garreth Weasley

Start from the beginning

"Still not telling me whose name you drew for Secret Santa?" I asked, looking at the small box he held.

"Nope. You'll find out soon enough." He replied in a teasing tone.

"Do you think Poppy will love her gift?" I asked, moving my eyes to my gift. Garreth let out a small laugh.

"Of course, she will. She's your best friend, love. She'll love anything you give her." He replied, giving a warm feeling with each of his words.

"It's crazy, isn't it? It feels like just yesterday we were kids in school and now we are going to our married friend's Christmas Eve party. When did we grow up?" I asked, looking into Garreth's eyes. He took his hand and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, the smile never leaving his face.

"Time has gone quickly but it's been the best time of my life being with you." He said sweetly. Garreth took every opportunity he could to compliment me and our life together. It was another thing I loved about him.

"I feel the same way. I mean, these last three years–"

I was cut off as the carriage suddenly stopped with a jerk. I looked out and could hardly see outside. The window looked as if it was covered in snow.

"What the hell?" Garreth said as he started to open the door. As soon as the door swung open, snow started flying into the carriage.

"Garreth!" I shouted, hoping to stop him. Instead, he disappeared into the snow. I tried to move forward, hoping to see something out of the window but it was far too snowy. The wind was blowing hard and I could feel it hitting me inside the carriage.

The howling sound gave me an eerie feeling as I counted the seconds that Garreth was gone. The seconds turned into minutes. My heart was racing as I continued hoping to see him. I wasn't sure if I should stay in the carriage or try to find him.

I decided on the latter, climbing out the already open door. I could barely see a thing as I started working my way through the thick snow. I couldn't even tell if we were on a road or in a meadow somewhere.

"Garreth!" I called out as I pushed through the snow that was blowing in my face. The only sound I heard was the growling of the wind that felt like knives piercing me.

I looked down and could see the thick snow. It was higher than I realized. I was not expecting such a storm. I made it to what I thought were the thestrals only to realize that they were both gone. I tried looking to see if they were nearby, but there was nothing.

"Garreth!" I shouted again, hoping to get a response. This time, I heard a voice call back to me.

"I'm here!" He shouted, still not clear enough for me to know what direction to go. I squinted through the snow, looking around until finally seeing a figure walking towards me.

Garreth was covered in snow as he grew closer. He placed his hand on my arm and started to pull me back towards the carriage. He helped me inside before pulling the door shut as quickly as he could.

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