"Ohhh fuck baby" he moaned panting hard.
My legs gave out and I slumped on the bed, after awhile he bent and kissed me before laying down beside me.

His eyes were already tired, he smiled and pulled me to his side kissing the crook of my head and stroking my hair.

My eyes drooped shut and I gave in to the exhaustion.


I left the house quite early today, at least to give myself time to read, I've been lagging behind in my studies and I needed to get my shit together.
I still have to graduate.

Andre didn't come with me because his dad called him, said he needed to discuss something with him
He said if he finished on time then he'd meet me at school, Adrianna doesn't have classes this morning and So does Sam, so they're both at home smoking weed and getting shit faced.

I may have taken a hit or two before leaving, it already took effect, I could feel it in my eyes and my feet.

I entered the class and went to the far end of the class to sit down, I didn't want the professor walking in and finding me sitting in the middle of the class like a freak.

I took out my text book and started going through the parts Andre highlighted for me that I missed or didn't understand.

I was making progress when the door opened and someone walked in, great, another early student.
I didn't look at up because I didn't want to make any small talks this morning with anyone, but the person walked directly towards me and my eyes saw their shoes, nice kicks, before they trailed up from their legs up to their face.

Fuck me.
It was Jordan
I just sighed out and went back to reading.
He didn't say anything.

He walked around and sat beside me, so close that I could perceive the scent of his cologne and hair shampoo.
If I moved any closer our skin would actually touch.

"What are you doing here Jordan"? I muttered and he chuckled

"I came to class Judy, just like you, seems like we're both early" he muttered the last part out.

Yeah no kidding
Now I'm beginning to regret coming early.
I focused back on my book not even bother giving him a response.
But that's a dead end because I can't even concentrate on what I'm reading anymore.

I could feel his eyes on me and it wasn't helping my little situation.
I sighed out for the third time before closing the book with a loud thud.

I turned and faced him, he was smiling and looking at me smugly
"What do you want"? I asked and he shrugged

"You" he whispered making me gasp out and my lips parting slightly, okay that took me off guard.

He put his hands on my thighs and I quickly pushed his hands off and moved my thighs

"Jordan don't" I muttered trying to look away but I couldn't, it's like I was stuck.

"Why? Judy you want this as much as I do" he whispered playing with a strand of my hair

"Jordan we can't" I whispered " we can't keep doing this, we need to stop" I whispered looking away and he turned my head so I'm facing him, he rested his hands on my thighs again, this time moving it up and down making me shut my eyes and bite my lip.

"What if I don't wanna stop" he whispered before his eyes rested on my lips and he pulled me in for a kiss. His hands on my thighs moved up and soon I felt it on my pussy area, I was putting on a skirt with a lacy pantyhose.

He started rubbing me from outside the pantyhose, I just shut my eyes and bit my lips to stop me from moaning.

After a while I shamelessly started grinding my hips on his fingers.
"Oh God" I moaned into the kiss, he started kissing my neck until he found my sweet spot and sucked on it hard.

His fingers were still rubbing on my pussy from my pantyhose.
I was feeling myself get wetter each time he rubbed faster.

I was close to cumming when he stopped and pulled away, I opened my eyes ready to protest when I saw he was still very much close to me.

I could feel his breath on my face.
"Come to my place tonight, nine o'clock" he muttered before getting up and walking out of the class.

What the actual fuck
I could still feel my wetness on my panties.
I tried rubbing my legs together to ease the feeling down there but it didn't work, only made it worse
Today's class is gonna be so uncomfortable for me.
I was still fucking horny, and confused.

Do you think she will go?
Or will she tell Andre

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