One More Christmas

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Warm golden lights glowed from within the plastic Christmas tree. Baubles of rose and powder blue glittered as they hung perfectly placed on the branches. Little ornaments of felt animals, porcelain figurines and wooden nutcrackers joined the baubles, nestled among the boughs.
Presents carefully stacked under the tree, wrapped in the themed paper chosen for this year.
Of course anything edible was placed up onto the combustion fireplace behind the tree, out of reach of the four legged friends.

The night was not quiet as most Christmases are, wind blew loudly and fiercely, bringing along a storm to cool the heat of the summers day.
One of the three occupants of the house slept soundly, unaware of the restlessness growing in the hearts and minds of the others.
One sat on the old brown couch, medications stirring their mind keeping them from sleep. Crosswords and puzzles helping them calm the busy, whirring mind.
The last one lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The most recent diagnosis of the one on the couch playing over and over again.
This Christmas would be a hard one. Hopefully not the last as a household of three.
The fourth was off in another town, with their partners family.
A whirlwind of a visit of only two days before jumping in the car and making the long drive north.
A lot of emotion hung on this coming day. The overwhelming need to spoil the family, urge to make it a good day and forget the sickness growing in the one from the couch.

One more Christmas. One more chance to show kindness and love. One more Christmas to enjoy the time we have been given.
No one knows what time is available. But we have One More Christmas to celebrate family and beliefs together.
Who knows, maybe we will have another.

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