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Jungkook isn't comfortable in letting you in his personal space but he's got no choice. he wants to make sure everything is safe, and you're safe. he's letting you to his house not his room. so he thinks it's fine. 'I have no clue why he's being so insistent. I didn't ask for any of this,

and frankly, I don't want it,' you think to yourself, your scowl deepening as you stared at Jungkook in disbelief. "There's no way I'm going with you, Jungkook!" It took you a good five minutes to process his words. Jungkook was visibly frustrated. He just wanted to help you, for once hoping you'd stop resisting. "Look, Y/N—" he began, trying to reason with you.

"I'm not looking anywhere, and I'm not going to listen to a word you say," you interrupted, your anger rising. Jungkook sighed deeply, placing a hand on his forehead as he paced around, while you leaned against his car. "Y/N, please," he pleaded softly after a moment, aware that raising his voice would only escalate things.

He knew your temper well enough not to provoke it, especially not here, outside a hospital. You had your own anger issues; you needed space when you were mad, especially from someone like him, but he was right in front of you, a stubborn presence you couldn't ignore.

Taking a deep breath, you surveyed the nearly deserted parking area, the few remaining cars around you creating a small cocoon of privacy. "Speak. You've got five minutes, no more," you finally conceded, meeting his gaze.

Jungkook nodded, clicking his tongue nervously before launching into his explanation. "I understand you don't want to come with me. It's reasonable. But since I've taken this responsibility, I intend to fulfill it diligently. The doctor strongly recommended you be around someone, and since you have no one else, I'm volunteering to help."

He searched your face for any sign of relenting behind your stern expression.

Your glare was unwavering, arms crossed defensively, adding to the pressure he already felt. No, he wasn't scared of you; he just didn't want a scene, not now, not like this. "I'm not forcing you into anything, but logically, it's safer to take precautions and avoid any potential emergencies.

I'm simply asking you to stay at my place tonight until we know the baby's okay. Can you cooperate?" he asked, his tone almost sounding like Mr. Jeon rather than just Jungkook, his words practical and direct.

His argument made sense, whether you liked it or not. You softened slightly, dropping your guard a bit as you listened and understood. "Are you sure about this?" you asked cautiously. He nodded immediately. "Yes, I'm sure," he affirmed, and you nodded back, resigned to the plan. Glancing around, feeling uneasy about what lay ahead, you reluctantly got into the passenger seat of his car.

"This feels so wrong," you whispered to yourself, conflicted but knowing it was the right thing to do for your child's sake. Today had been harrowing, and tonight promised to be sleepless, especially in Jungkook's unfamiliar home.

"I need to grab some clothes," you muttered, relieved he heard you the first time. Louder, you added, "Sure." Without protest, he drove you to your place so you could quickly pack essentials for the night and the next day. The tension between you was thick as you packed.

Normally quiet around each other, tonight the silence felt heavy with unspoken emotions. Jungkook waited patiently in the parking lot, giving you space to collect yourself and your things, reflecting on the unusual turn of events. He couldn't quite believe he was doing this—taking responsibility, stepping up in a way he never had before.

he's always been, but never when it comes to girl matters, he was never with his mother nor his own girlfriends. 15 year old Jungkook wouldn't have been this way, he would've left you all yourself and told you to fuck off with the child. but here he is, mature, understanding, intelligent and moreover a gentleman. which he wasn't ever before.

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