Chapter 1 : Transmigration in ABO verse

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This waxy feeling that makes people irritable, Alyn Reyes woke up with exactly that on a gloomy rainy day. "Shit! Am I having a fucking cold now?! Seriously..." She really hated getting sick.
Since she moved out of her parent's house, there was rarely anybody who would take care of her. Its not that she needed somebody but having a person just beside her would probably feel much better.

Last night she had successfully completed a project related to her work and in that joy, Alyn had a big serving of her favourite ice-cream. She is currently working as a professor of psychology and a psychometric tests designer for private clienteles.
Her career's been in the early phase for almost three to four years. Her life's been stagnant in all other aspects. Though she never misses going for a trip or just having a travel-break, but there's always something missing.

Alyn longed for a partner. Sure enough, she has had experienced romance once in high school. But after that- to no avail, she never met anybody who caught her fancy.
Also there was one thing that probably was a big contributor to her lack of (bitches) romantic interests - it was her sexual orientation.
 Being a queer in today's society is still frowned upon by majority but options for her were surely limited. It was either go on a queer dating website or let her connections find her someone.
She put a blind eye on both of them as she had recently finished getting a PhD in experimental psychology.

Alyn got up to brush her teeth and fixing herself a good and hearty breakfast. She picked up her phone to scroll on social media.
But she couldn't help but notice how light weight her phone had got. She took a look at her phone neatly to see that it was a bit weird since she last saw it. She checked under her table and bed for if something had fallen off of the phone or went missing.
"Huh?? WTH..." She powered on her phone and checked most of her things were as it is but her intuition was giving off a red alarm. It was like a Mandela effect, nothing was making sense.

She moved around her house to check everything. Almost most of the things were the same but there were few entities that made her worry. First of all were the electronics. they were a bit weird, like it had all been upgraded or something.
Also, there were some things which were totally irrelevant. Like, her official documents had many extra information which was very unusual. Something about biological sex-gender-identity category and other laws and information regarding it. 

She laughed it off. "What in actual omegaverse..."
She knew about this category of lit as she liked reading very much in her past.
First she didn't understand what those meant. But suddenly she seem to recall various weird (for her) information. As if she already knew it but she had forgotten for a brief moment.

"Am I still dreaming or what....heh this can't be true, whaatttt... " She started fretting over her new discovery. She knew she definitely didn't drink...why was she having delusions now?!?
"Huh. Okay. I can accept that. I mean what can possibly happen? Nothing! I should call mom."

Alyn called her mom, "Hello mom?"
"Hello Alyn. Did you wake up?" Alyn's mom replied.
"Mom tell me did something happed to my documents? They are looking a bit different."
"No? What happened? What do you mean by different? I have the original copies here at home. Do you want me to check them. But no one took them out for a while. Was there any change in the online versions?"
"I don't know... there are a few new categories that I am see right now which I don't remember seeing them before." Alyn replied.
"Like what? Is it serious Alyn?"
"N-no...well maybe...its something- wait lemme see, its called sex differentiation laws and policies. Umm was this on here before?"
"Yes it was. Wh-what is happening Alyn? Are you asleep yet? Or this is some kind of prank? C'mon Alyn, just tell me what it is. I promise not to get angry. Don't beat around the bush. Is this has something to do with the mate selection programme?" Alyn's mother asked in a serious tone.
"What?! No. This has nothing to do with mate selection? Huh... What programme now?"
"Alyn, Alyn... Alyn! listen to me. Everything is going to be fine. Don't worry. We can give in rejection letter to the system if your partner won't be of your liking. You know that. We had gone over this once. Everything is in your hands. So, now, go and sleep for a while more. and stop worrying."
".....Hmm yeah I think I will." Alyn replied in low voice.

Alyn sat there for a while thinking and making sense of her prior existing knowledge and her confused thoughts. "Okay so...Now what?"

She thought for herself, ' okay so this is probably a dream where I magically transmigrated into another dimension with different technology? And there is not much difference except this is an ABO verse and I am freaking getting a mate?! A Mate?! This is some dream I am having. So nice and actually very detailed. '

"Or it may not be a dream...What if it isn't a dream? Oh my god this is so weird"  She continued studying her documents for further clarity. She saw that her ABO gender was - a female Alpha. Like the Alpha who can impregnate the other genders. Now this is called upgrade. 

In her own life before, people were very adamant that homosexuals couldn't reproduce, so many countries didn't allow same-sex marriage. But now, that is no more the problem. It seemed that people from this dimension were very open to all forms of consensual love between adults. 
 Alyn couldn't wait to meet her girl.
She started day dreaming about her.
Her cheeks were hot with excitement and joy.

"But what is the programme??" Alyn did a quick search on the internet. So basically it was a system that grants ABO verse people with mates at the age of 27+ if they hadn't yet bonded with their mates. It was a compulsory rule to at least show some proof if they already had mates and intended to live together for life. This programme was also intended to fix the declining birth rates. 
The bond can be very traditional- which is an alpha-omega bond/ Beta-beta bond or it can be alpha-beta, Omega-beta, Omega-omega, Alpha-alpha bond.
Bonding in this dimension did not have any barriers.
Anyone could be dominant and submissive. Any type of biological sex-gender  could bond with their own mates of whatever ABO sex/gender they were.

As she was reading more on the topic of laws of gender identity status, Alyn heard her door bell ring. She went to get the door but as soon as she opened her door, there was nothing but a box on her front porch. It was addressed to her.

The box contained the details of her selected candidate to mate selection programme and few other information about the further process.
Alyn opened the box, there was a tab inside.
After starting it, the tab showed a holographic screen which had all the required information of the candidate and further process of the programme like- the next meeting with the candidate, guidelines for all the gender identities, information on the system, etc.

Alyn opened the option where the demographic details of her selected mate were shown.
A beautiful photo accompanied it.

Name- Emra L'dine
Age- 28
Height- 178cm
Weight-62 kgs
Sex- Female Alpha 
Occupation- Alliance official
Education- Post Graduate with major of Public administration and minor of archaeology.
Familial Background- Good relationship with family of origin. Biological parents are the immediate contact.


There was more information written but Alyn just couldn't resist opening the tab with Emra's photo. It was a very, very nice photo. She kept on looking at the gorgeous girl. 

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