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"THAT cannot be your best memory of me," Oscar groans, stopping in his tracks as they walk through the sizable lobby of the ceremony venue. He looks at Maia with an almost scandalized look, earning a laugh out of the dark-haired woman. "How do you even remember that?"

The lobby was almost entirely devoid of people, since a good portion of the ceremony's attendees made the decision to leave after the awards segment was over, and now that the entire event as a whole was finished, there was only a few handfuls of people scattered about, including the people working at the event.

"I remember a lot of things," Maia responds, laughter still climbing its way out of her throat. She's a few steps ahead of Oscar, since he has decided to be dramatic enough to stop walking towards the exit they were making their way towards. "It's one of my memories of us I cherish deeply."

"'Cherish?'" Oscar repeats in disbelief. He shakes his head, and continues walking to catch up. "I'm sure you mean to say that you think about it and cackle like a little maniac," he corrects, which only makes Maia laugh more.

The memory in question being discussed was of Oscar and Maia, because of course it was, and it was about something that had occurred when they were about ten years old, give or take.

For their English class, they had to do a presentation on whatever topic they wanted, and naturally, Maia and Oscar had been silently planning how to sabotage one another all day. Eventually, when the time came, Oscar had to go first because of their teacher's weird little fascination with doing things in a backward order, and as Oscar was walking up to the front of the class, Maia mouthed the words 'Don't trip' to him from the back of the classroom.

Much to his misfortune, Oscar has always had a tough time with lip-reading, and he found himself too focused on deciphering her words. In fact, he was so focused that he tripped over someone's water bottle that was resting on the floor.

Maia remembers her eyes going wide at the sight of Oscar's fall, her emotions being a mix of worry and whatever feeling you would associate the words 'HAHA, you just ate shit' with.

"You still got a good grade on the assignment!" She defends, throwing her hands in the air.

Oscar huffs, "At the expense of being humiliated."

"I'm sure all of our classmates have forgotten about that by now," she waves off. "You're fine."

"And yet, here you are telling the story like it happened yesterday for you."

Maia looks at him with a smile that could almost pass as innocent, and she says, tone kind and happy, "Because you were the one that fell."

"Oh—okay! You know what, mate—" Oscar shakes his head and places a hand on the clear doors of the exit, making Maia laugh more than she already was. "I need to get out of here before you damage my self-esteem more."

✓ | UNTIL THE SONG WAS DONE, oscar piastriWhere stories live. Discover now