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To: Jiyeon
From: Jake(Your handsome brother)

Hey Ji.

Happy Birthday baby sister!

I always talk to you on your birthday. You didn't think I'd break the tradition, did you?

Okay fine.

I admit, writing you this email was Eunji's idea.

I have so much to tell you Jiyeon. I don't know where to begin.

It's almost been a year since Eunji and I moved here. We finally bought the house last month.

I's kind of small but it's right next to the beach and Eunji loves it, and honestly that's all that really matters.

Everything is so perfect Jiyeon. I wish you were here with me.

Every morning I wake up and find Eunji beside me, I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. She smiles when she wakes up and sees me. The sun streams in through the windows, and God does Eunji look beautiful in the sunlight. It always leaves me breathless.

I'm so in love Jiyeon. It's scary sometimes, but not in a bad way.

I will never take anything in my life for granted. Not even the small things. Especially not the small things. I've realized that there's so much beauty in the small things I do, like telling Eunji about my day, laughing about pointless things with her, kissing her before I leave for work.

Beauty, it's all around us. We just need to look closer.

Oh by the way. Did I tell you? I opened up my own Motorcycle service garage. I get to work with motorcycles all day! (I can imagine you scrunching up your nose in disgust right now, because you hate grease). The money is okay, and I can only afford to hire three mechanics right now, but I absolutely love working there.

We visit our friends and family back at home often. Sunghoon is doing pretty well. Him and Hyejun are coming over next week and Eunji hasn't stopped smiling ever since Hyejun called and told her.

Eunji and I are secretly hoping that the two of them end up together. I mean c'mon! You'd be lying if you said Sunghoon and Hyejun didn't make a great couple! Maybe it's just wistful thinking. I just want Sunghoon to be with someone who will make him happy.

We'll be going back for Mr Lee's and Sara's wedding this fall. I can't believe they're finally going to tie the knot.

Everyone is so happy.

I wish you were here to see it.

I'm not going to lie, thinking about you still hurts like hell.

I wish you had talked to me Jiyeon. I wish you'd told me that you were hurting so bad. I wish you'd told me what you were going through. I would have fought your battle with you.

I'm sorry you went through that on your own.

I'll admit that when you left I was angry.

So angry.

Angry at myself for not seeing the signs.

Angry at you for not talking to me and leaving me.

But I'm not angry anymore.

You're still here with me Jiyeon. I know you are, I can feel it.

I believe that as long as you love someone they can't ever leave you. Even if you can't see them anymore. As long as you love someone they'll always be there, in your heart.

That's where you are Ji, in my heart. That's where you'll always be.

I have to go now, Eunji's calling for me. (She probably needs me to take out something from the top shelf since she can't reach it herself, remind me to thank our carpenter.)

Sim Jaeyun signing out...

A/N: Okay, so this is the end. I want all of you to honestly tell me what you thought of this book. No holding back. Thank you all so much for all the love. Again thank you so much for reading this book and voting for this book I am honestly so happy:D! Again, thank you so much. I promise to publish more books in the future.
Bye. XOXO 💋

The past between us ||Sim Jake✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें